SUPER TET Syllabus
The Super Teacher Eligibility Test is commonly known as the SUPER TET.
The SUPER TET syllabus:
● ENGLISH LANGUAGE: It demands a deep understanding of topics like English Language, Reading Comprehension, questions related to comprehension, antonyms, and synonyms, parts of speech, spotting error, sentence correction, vocabulary, active and passive voice, direct and indirect speech.
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● CHILD PSYCHOLOGY: This part of the syllabus includes: factors affecting child development, personal variation, identification of learning needs, creating environments for study, theories of learning and their practical utility and use in classroom teaching, special arrangements for disabled candidates, etc.
Read the evaluation methodologies and outcomes. Also, read everything about the Teachers’ Eligibility Test.
● HINDI AND SANSKRIT: The other important subjects are Hindi and Sanskrit and the topics necessarily to be covered under them are अपठि त गद्यांश,पद्यांश,व्याकरण (अलकं ार, समास, रस, छंद, सधिं धि, उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय, वचन,कारक, सज्ञं ा, लि गं , सर्वनर्व ाम आदि ).
● MATHEMATICS: The Mathematics syllabus includes: numerical ability & mathematical actions, decimal, general algebra, fraction, interest, profit and loss, percentage and factor, area and volume, average, ratio, general geometry, general statistics, etc.
● INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Information Technology includes the knowledge about Information in the field of teaching skills, art teaching and school management, technical Knowledge: computers, internet, smartphones, useful applications in teaching, digital and teaching materials, etc.
● LIFE SKILL/ MANAGEMENT AND APTITUDE: Life skill/ Management and Aptitude asks for a good understanding of Professional conduct and policy, Motivation and Role of education, Constitutional and original origins, Penal and punishments effective, etc.
● ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL STUDY: Environment and social study include topics such as Earth’s structure & Rivers, Mountains & Continents, Oceans and Fauna, Natural wealth & Latitude, Solar system, Indian geography, Indian freedom struggle & social reformer, Indian Constitution & governance system, Traffic and road safety, Indian economy and challenges.
● TEACHING SKILLS: This includes topics such as teaching methods and skills, principles of learning, Indian society and elementary education, inclusive education and new initiatives for elementary education, educational evaluation, and measurement, initial formation skills, and administration, etc.
● REASONING ABILITY: Reasoning ability includes the understanding of analogies and classification, aeration and region, binary logic and calendars, inequalities, Coding-Decoding, critical reasoning, cube number and letter series, puzzles, symbol and notations, venn diagram and dice, direction and distance sense, etc.
We hope all your doubts SUPER TET Exam syllabus are clear now.
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