Peace education activities assist people to gain knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them avoid conflict, resolve conflicts peacefully, and create peaceful social conditions. In peace education, nonviolence and social justice are emphasized as vital ideals. Human rights, respect, freedom, and trust are all concepts that exemplify nonviolence. The ideals of equality, responsibility, and solidarity are used to achieve social justice. Peace education programs around the world include a wide range of topics to attain these goals. Nonviolence, conflict resolution tactics, democracy, disarmament, history, communication skills, coexistence, and international understanding and tolerance of difference are some of the topics covered. This education is available to people of all ages in both formal and informal settings. In periods of peace, conflict, and post-conflict, local, national, and international programs exist. As a result, peacebuilding and peace education are intricately linked. Education is a key component of the UN’s efforts to promote peace. For peacebuilding efforts to be sustainable, attitudes toward war and violence must be transformed and translated into long-term behavioral change that seeks alternative solutions to armed conflict.
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