Deductive learning is a teacher-centered approach to education. Under this, the learners are first given rules in the form of lectures. Deductive learning helps in building a clear and strong foundation for further study. These lectures are based on new concepts and generalizations. Then, the learners are exposed to specific examples, followed by tasks for practice. The entire process involves very little interaction between the instructor/educator and the learner.
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This learning approach is suitable for lower-level learners who need a fundamental approach to learn new content. Moreover, learners who always follow a traditional approach while learning also prefers the deductive learning approach. This is usually used at an introductory level of any course. It makes learning faster or agile learning, and hence, the material consumes less time. Most of the new concepts can be easily taught with the deductive learning approach.
An example of this learning approach: While teaching a new mathematics concept, the instructor will first explain the rules. Then, they will provide examples to support it. At last, worksheets with different types of questions will be handed to the learners for practice. This is a straightforward approach, followed by the majority of educators.
The opposite approach to this type of learning is inductive learning, where the process is reversed.
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