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Autonomous University

Autonomous University refers to the university that works with independent control on its curriculum and teaching methods. The term autonomous means without outside interference. This educational body has its own set of academic strategies and programs. An autonomous university can conduct their examinations with no control from the government or an outside body. These universities carefully plan their curriculum in the best interest of students.

There are many benefits of an autonomous university like academic freedom, choice of subjects for students, exploring the educational limitations, etc. Teachers in these universities can provide experimental education to students for experiential learning. They have a student-centric approach and can make use of various tools with no restriction on their implementation.

The concept of this type of university or college first came up in the year 1992. This concept was framed so that universities could provide a timely and hassle-free education system for students. There is a standard rule by the government that allows college or university to gain autonomous status. Autonomous Universities impart a degree and certificate to the students upon completion of a course.

In terms of flexibility, an autonomous university offers ease of academic design which is more useful to the students. The university plans the examination pattern. The decision of exam dates, command over question paper distribution lies with them. The admission process in these universities is much easier and student-friendly. It reduces the complexity that is faced by students in regular universities. The students and their parents do not have to worry about any formalities.