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ASRB Syllabus- 21-30

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board National Eligibility Test, shortly known as the ASRB NET, is a test conducted to shortlist and recruit qualified candidates in various teaching designations such as Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Professors, etc., in Agricultural Universities across the country. This test is also known as the Indian Council of Agriculture Research National Eligibility Test or the ICAR NET. Upon scoring the qualifying marks in this test, the candidate will be eligible to apply for vacancies in agricultural universities across India.

In this article, we will know more about the ASRB NET, the exam pattern, and the key points about the test. More importantly, we will look into the 60 subjects in the ASRB syllabus and discuss in detail the 21-30 disciplines in the ASRB syllabus.


  1. This recruitment test is a national-level test.
  2. The exam is conducted and regulated by the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board or the ASRB.
  3. The test is conducted once every year through online mode.
  4. The duration is conducted for a duration of two hours.

Paper Pattern 

The test is conducted based on chosen subjects of the candidates that they have the knowledge in, understanding of, and relative educational qualification in. Some of the significant points about the ASRB NET exam pattern are:

  1. Candidates will have to attempt only one paper to qualify for the ASRB test.
  2. All the questions in the test are of the same model, objective-type multiple-choice questions.
  3. The total number of questions in the exam is 150.
  4. The maximum number of marks a candidate can score on the test is 150.
  5. Against each correct answer, one mark is awarded.
  6. For every wrong answer, ⅓ rd of the marks are deducted.

The candidate applying for the ASRB NET can choose their subjects from any of the following 60 disciplines from the ASRB syllabus they are interested in:

  1. Agricultural Biotechnology
  2. Agricultural Entomology
  3. Agricultural Microbiology
  4. Economic Botany & Plant Genetic Resources
  5. Genetics & Plant Breeding
  6. Nematology
  7. Plant BIochemistry
  8. Plant Pathology
  9. Plant Physiology
  10. Seed Science and Technology
  11. Floriculture & Landscaping
  12. Fruit Science
  13. Spices, Plantation & Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
  14. Vegetable Science
  15. Animal Biochemistry
  16. Animal Biotechnology
  17. Animal Genetics & Breeding
  18. Animal Nutrition
  19. Animal Physiology
  20. Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology
  21. Dairy Chemistry
  22. Dairy Microbiology
  23. Dairy Technology
  24. Livestock Product Technology
  25. Livestock Product Management
  26. Poultry Science
  27. Veterinary Medicine
  28. Veterinary Microbiology
  29. Veterinary Parasitology
  30. Veterinary Pathology
  31. Veterinary Pharmacology
  32. Veterinary Public Health
  33. Veterinary Surgery
  34. Aquaculture
  35. Fisheries Resource Management
  36. Fish Processing Technology
  37. Fish Nutrition 
  38. Fish Health
  39. Fish Genetics & Breeding
  40. Agricultural Chemicals
  41. Agricultural Meteorology
  42. Agroforestry
  43. Agronomy
  44. Environmental Science
  45. Soil Sciences
  46. Agricultural Business Management
  47. Agricultural Economics
  48. Agricultural Extension
  49. Agricultural Statistics
  50. Home Science
  51. Farm Machinery & Power
  52. Computer Applications & IT
  53. Land & Water Management Engineering
  54. Bioinformatics
  55. Food Technology
  56. Agricultural Structure and Process Engineering
  57. Veterinary Anatomy (only for NET)
  58. Agricultural Physics 
  59. Electronics & Instrumentation
  60. Textile Manufacture & Technology

ASRB syllabus – 21-30

Discipline NumberSubjectASRB Syllabus
21Dairy Chemistry Physical and chemical nature of milk and its constituents.Milk proteins: Levels, distribution, isolation, genetic polymorphism of Various proteins.Lipids of milk, auto-oxidation, antioxidants, cholesterol, fats, etc.Deduction methods of Milk Adulteration.Properties of milk, ghee, butter, and other milk products.Heat properties of milk.Composition and varietal differences in Cheese.Composition and Physical structure of milk-made ice cream.Quality control and assurance measures.Spectroscopy
22Dairy Microbiology MicrofloraTechniques of processing like bactofugation, thermistation, etc.Nature of naturally occurring preservatives.Fat rich products of milkLactic Acid Bacteria study.Dairy products as functional and healthy foods in the diet.Preparation of fermented productsMicrobiological quality of dairy products and indigenous ones.Preparation of byproducts of milk.Quality control and assurance.
23Dairy Technology Milk in the marketFat-rich dairy products.Frozen milk products and their properties.Cheese and fermented dairy products.Concentrated and dried dairy products.Indigenous dairy products.Utilization of dairy by-products.Packaging of dairy products.Advancements in dairy technology.Legal and quality aspects for milk and milk products.
24Livestock Product Technology General aspects and properties of livestock products.Poultry processing plants.Processing and preservation.Wool, mohair, and furPackagingQuality controlMarketing
25Livestock Production Management General study of livestock production management.Breeding process management.Feeding process management.Reproduction process management.Shelter process management.Health process management.Production and management of livestock.Production and management process of animals.Wildlife management.Forage: production and conservationEconomics and marketing process  of livestock, poultry, and their products
26Poultry Science Poultry: Genetics and Breeding.NutritionAvian Physiology.Poultry Products and technology advancements.Poultry managementEconomics and marketing of poultry science.Poultry health management.
27Veterinary Medicine General medicineDiagnosis and treatment of animal diseasesGastroenterologyCardiovascular and pulmonary system diseases.Urinary, nervous, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems diseases and treatment.Production and source deficiency diseases.Common toxicitiesInfectious diseasesParasitic diseasesPoultry diseasesVeterinary jurisprudence  Special therapeutic approachesPrevention and control of the diseasesCommon diseases in zoos, laboratory animals, and wildlife.
28Veterinary Microbiology General BacteriologySystematic BacteriologyGeneral VirologySystematic VirologyMycologyImmunologyMolecular Cell Biology
29Veterinary Parasitology Veterinary HelminthologyVeterinary EntomologyClinical ParasitologyParasitic ZoonosisManagement of livestockImmunoparasitologyDiagnostic Parasitology
30Veterinary Pathology Introduction and History of veterinary pathology.Haemodynamics Derangements, Degeneration, and Necrosis.Inflammation and Healing.ImmunopathologyGenetically Determined Diseases.Disturbances in cellsGrowth and oncology of cells.Postmortem diagnosis histopathological techniquesClinical pathologySystematic pathologyPathology of infectious diseasesAvian pathologyNutritional and production pathologyPathology of toxicosisPathology of diseases in both laboratory and wild animals.

With this, we hope that you get a better understanding of the ASRB NET, ASRB Syllabus of the 21-30 disciplines in-depth, paper pattern, etc.

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