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ASRB Syllabus- 41-50

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) welcomes applications for the ASRB NET, commonly known as the ICAR NET, every year (Indian Council of Agriculture Research NET). Teachers often feel like they have been assigned the runt’s work. Every day at school, it is easy to imagine that you have a routine and humdrum job – keeping the kids occupied till their parents get off work and pick them up. 

This article aims to highlight the ASRB Syllabus for several subjects to make sure you are well aware of the exam and field you are choosing. 

What Is ASRB?

This is the annual call for applications for the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) NET, also known as the ICAR NET (Indian Council of Agriculture and Research NET). State Agricultural Universities, as well as other agricultural universities, conduct this exam to hire lecturer and assistant professor positions. 

Those who pass this exam with a master’s degree and the appropriate academic background will be eligible for positions in multiple disciplines. Candidates who pass this exam are eligible to apply for various vacancies advertised by agricultural universities across the country. ASRB NET information in this article helps candidates prepare adequately for the ASRB NET exam by giving them an overview of the exam, including the ASRB vacancy. 

Now, let us move to understanding the ASRB syllabus. 

ASRB Syllabus (41-50 codes)

The ASRB syllabus varies for different subjects that you should know before starting with the preparation for your next ASRB exam. Understanding the ASRB syllabus will help you in better understanding the concepts better and mark your weak and strong points. 

41: Agricultural Meteorology

It covers the relationships between metrology and fields of plant, science, ecology and biochemistry.

Unit 1: General Meteorology

Unit 2: General Climatology

Unit 3: Agricultural Climatology

Unit 4: Micrometeorology

Unit 5: Evapotranspiration

Unit 6: Crop weather modeling

Unit 7: Weather forecasting for agriculture

42: Agroforestry

This is a land use management system where trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland.

Unit 1: National Forest Policy 1894

Unit 2: Concept And Definition Of Agroforestry

Unit 3: Plant Management Practices Of Agroforestry

Unit 4: Extend And Causes Of Land Denudation

Unit 5: Forest Mensuration

Unit 6: Silviculture

Unit 7: Seed collection

Unit 8: Forest Management

Unit 9: Nature And Extent Of Variations In n=Natural Population

Unit 10: Forestry In Bio-Economic Productivity

Unit 11: Measurement Of Trees And Stand

Unit 12: Climate Change

Unit 13: Statistics

43: Agronomy 

This is the science and technology of the production and using the plants for agriculture by plants, food and so on.

Unit 1: Crop Ecology And Geography

Unit 2: Weed Management

Unit 3: Soil Fertility

Unit 4: Dryland Agronomy

Unit 5: Crop Production In Problem Soils

Unit 6: Crop Production

Unit 7: Agricultural Statistics

Unit 8: Sustainable Land Use Systems

Unit 9: Basics of Soil And Water

Unit 10: Soil Water Relationship

Unit 11: Plant Water Relationship

Unit 12: Irrigation Water Management

Unit 13: Management Of Problematic Soils And Water

44: Environmental Science

The comprehensive study of the environment and its related aspects like biodiversity, air composition, climate, energy, and so forth.

Unit 1: Environment Science

Unit 2: Ecological Systems

Unit 3: Biodiversity

Unit 4: Air Composition

Unit 5: Soil And Water Pollution

Unit 6: Climate Change

Unit 7: Energy Consumption

Unit 8: Natural Indian Resources

Unit 9: Frequency Distribution

45: Soil Science

Understanding the features of soil along with the science of it. Physics, chemistry, fertility all aspects are covered here.

Unit 1: Pedology

Unit 2: Soil Physics

Unit 3: Soil Chemistry

Unit 4: Soil Fertility

Unit 5: Soil Microbiology

Unit 6: Statistics

46: Agri-Business Management

Agribusiness is the line of business that puts the light on processing, warehousing, distribution of products that are used in marketing. 

Unit 1: General Management

Unit 2: Business Accounting And Financial Management

Unit 3: Marketing Management

Unit 4: Managerial Economics And Farm Management

Unit 5: Quantitative Techniques

Unit 6: Strategic Management And Entrepreneurship

47: Agricultural Economics

The policies behind agriculture, development history, economic theories, and finance projects. 

Unit 1: Economic Theory

Unit 2: Agricultural Development And Policy

Unit 3: Natural Resource And Productions Economics

Unit 4: Agricultural Finance Project Management

Unit 5: Agricultural Marketing And Price Analysis

Unit 6: Operations Research And Research Methods

48: Agricultural Extension

This is the application of scientific research and the latest knowledge on agricultural practices via farmer education.

Unit 1: Fundamental Of Extension And Communication

Unit 2: Extension Methods And Farm Journalism

Unit 3: Information Communication Technologies

Unit 4: Training And Human Resource Development

Unit 5: Research Methodology In Extension Education

Unit 6: Programme Planning, Evaluation And Diffusion And Adoption Of Innovation

Unit 7: Extension Management

Unit 8: Entrepreneurial Development

Unit 9: Developmental Strategies And Issues In Extension 

Unit 10: Gender Sensitization And Empowerment

49: Agricultural Statistics

This shows the data of the numbers growing or declining in the agriculture sector. The data based on numbers, pie charts, and experiments is presented here. 

Unit 1: Mathematical Methods In Statistics

Unit 2: Probability And Mathematical Statistics

Unit 3: Statistical Interferences

Unit 4: Applied Multivariate Analysis

Unit 5: Design Of Experiments

Unit 6: Sample services

Unit 7: Statistical Genetics

Unit 8: Applied Regression Analysis

Unit 9: Optimization Techniques And Soft Computing

50. Home Science

This is an integrated study that offers scientific and systematic knowledge on several aspects of family living.

Unit 1: Human Nutrition, Health, And Interventions

Unit 2: Food Science And Processing Techniques

Unit 3: Textile Science, Fashion Designing And Garment Production

Unit 4: Human Development And Family Dynamics

Unit 5: Family Resource Management And Consumer Science

Unit 6: Home Science And Communication Methods. 

How To Prepare For ASRB

Now, you know the ASRB syllabus, so it is good for you to follow the preparation strategy for the exam. The candidate’s energy is consumed in preparation for the entrance exam. While having inadequate study time, students who fail to take good notes are doomed to failure. Perhaps doctors need to learn the value of taking notes. Taking notes is very important.

Preparation tips for ASRB Exam

  • Make sure you go through the syllabus and prepare as many mock tests as you can for the preliminary round. English, Maths, and Reasoning play an important role in clearing the Prelims, so don’t just focus on the GS section.
  • If you are preparing for the mains, you should practice answering questions as much as you can, again, based only on the syllabus rather than assuming that it will be like other written exams.


This article aims at helping you with understanding the ASRB syllabus for certain specific subjects. While you are learning about being recruited, it is best to follow up with the ASRB syllabus to never miss out on details. 

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