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Education Schemes in India

Education Schemes in India are prominent with the development of the National Education Policy 2020. India launched a slew of programs aimed at achieving UEE through a variety of schematic and program initiatives, such as Mid-day Meal  Mahila Samakhya  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan  Strengthening for Quality… Read More »Education Schemes in India

NITI Aayog Full Form

NITI Aayog full form is National Institution for Transforming India. The Planning Commission has been succeeded by the NITI Aayog, which has a 65-year history. For a longer time, the Planning Commission’s utility and significance had been questioned. The replacement appears to be more relevant… Read More »NITI Aayog Full Form

Sports Sector Skill Council

The goal of establishing a Sports Skill Council is to pool the efforts of the sports sector in creating an employable workforce and institutional capacity building of existing training providers. The Sports, Physical Education, Fitness, and Leisure Skill Council (SPEFL-SC) will supplement the existing education… Read More »Sports Sector Skill Council

Skill Development Meaning

Skill development meaning helps in recognizing your skill gaps and developing these skills. Your skills determine your ability to carry out plans and attain your objectives. Employees’ lives are filled with opportunities for skill development and training. Organizations that foster skill development have a more… Read More »Skill Development Meaning

What is Digital Library

If you are wondering what is digital library, you have reached the right place. We will give you an overview of digital library to help you understand what is digital library.  Digital libraries are electronic or online libraries that include scholarly works, official records, or… Read More »What is Digital Library

IB School

Parents now have a plethora of educational boards from which to enroll their children. The International Baccalaureate (IB School) curriculum is now highly regarded and recognized by all universities, in addition to the GCSE or IGCSE Certificate on both Cambridge and Edexcel. It is a… Read More »IB School

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World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology