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Divyang/ Divyangjan Meaning Divyang or Divyangjan meaning in Hindi is a term used to refer to persons with disabilities. The term that was used in regular discourse before the term Divyang was introduced was viklang, which meant ‘one with non-functioning body parts’. The term Divyang… Read More »Divyang

Existentialism in Literature

Existentialism in literature is a literary movement from the twentieth century that emphasizes the person and their relationship with the universe or God. This label has been attributed to writers, philosophers, visual artists, and film directors; the movement thrived throughout Europe. A Brief History Existentialism… Read More »Existentialism in Literature

LSRW Skills

The four skills of language learning, or LSRW skills, are a group of four aptitudes that enable a person to understand and produce spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication. These abilities include speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The four language skills are typically… Read More »LSRW Skills

Spell Bee International

A million students have received certification from Spell Bee International in the past ten years for vocabulary development. Spell Bee International is an educational research organization that serves about 4000 schools in India and Sri Lanka with English language development products. The goal is to… Read More »Spell Bee International

Z Theory of Motivation

After comparing American and Japanese management styles, William Ouchi created Theory Z. Theory Z is an integrated motivational model. According to Theory Z, huge, complex organizations are human systems, and the degree of humanism employed affects how effective they are. Trust, subtlety, and intimacy are… Read More »Z Theory of Motivation

Organizational Barriers

What is organisational barrier? The term “organizational barriers” refers to restrictions on employee communication that could lead to a company’s commercial failure. Organizational barriers may also bedefined as internal factors present within any organization that play an important role inhindering exchange of Information and ideas… Read More »Organizational Barriers

Domains of Learning

Dr. Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, developed a set of learning goals known as the domains of learning in 1956. They entail three separate types of education, and each one needs a different teaching method to produce the desired results. All domains of learning offer… Read More »Domains of Learning

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World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology