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Co Education

Co education, often abbreviated to co ed or coed, is a term used to refer to a system of education where children of all genders can study together in harmony. This is the most common form of education in secular countries and has proven to… Read More »Co Education

Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a technique where students read large amounts of material for pleasure and fluency development. This technique is also known as free voluntary reading or pleasure reading. There are many benefits to extensive reading, but some of the most notable ones include: developing… Read More »Extensive Reading

Intensive Reading

Readers will read the text in-depth while engaging in intensive reading. They will have goals in mind when they read the book. The reader would be reading carefully and intently in order to comprehend the content in depth. In intensive reading, the reader would be… Read More »Intensive Reading

Vicarious Learning

Vicarious learning is a type of learning in which the learners learn from the experience of others. Albert Bandura, a renowned Canadian-American psychologist, introduced the concept of learning through seeing how others behave. In the 1960s, he introduced vicarious learning. It is a deliberate process… Read More »Vicarious Learning

Learning Space

Learning space can be considered a synonym for the classroom. A learning space is a place where teaching and learning take place. Learning space plays a vital role in enhancing the abilities of students. It helps in improving the skill sets of the students. Moreover,… Read More »Learning Space

Private Tuition

Private tuition involves a teacher taking private personalized classes for one single student or a group of students. The classes can either be tailored towards a certain subject or course, or it can be for students of all kinds of ages. It is quite popular… Read More »Private Tuition

Scanning in Reading

What is scanning in reading? Scanning in reading is a process of reading in which your eyes quickly run through a piece of text to find a piece of relevant information. Scanning in reading is a common practice to locate a word in a dictionary.… Read More »Scanning in Reading

Viva Voce

Viva voce is also called as viva. Viva voce is an examination in which students answer questions orally rather than in writing form. In schools, viva voce is conducted after practical examinations, where students are asked questions regarding their practical examination. Moreover, it is used… Read More »Viva Voce

Virtual Labs

In an online learning environment, virtual labs are used to conduct practical experiments for the students. There are a number of benefits to using virtual labs for learning. Simulations are used to conduct the experiments that students ought to do in the course of the… Read More »Virtual Labs

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