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Gaokao is the nationwide entrance exam that all students must take if they want to pursue education in China or if they want to get into their favorite university/ college. Passing it can be a nerve-wracking process as it is one of the most difficult… Read More »GAOKAO

Concept Attainment Model

The concept attainment model was introduced by the American psychologist Jerome Bruner. The concept attainment model revolves around the learning and teaching of concepts. In this model, students are asked to compare and contrast between examples and find the example that encompasses the attributes of… Read More »Concept Attainment Model


PLO full form- Program Learning Outcomes. The PLO, or program learning objective, is the measurable knowledge or skills that a student would have acquired upon program completion. This helps students and educators to understand the learning objectives and outcomes of the program. The performance of… Read More »PLO


Epidiascope is a projector capable of projecting images that are both transparent and opaque. Epidiascopes are projectors with an episcope and a diascope combined into their optical system. The epi-position allows it to project opaque, flat objects, like books. Using an appropriate slide carrier, slides… Read More »Epidiascope

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy is a treatment that provides assistance to people with disability or injuries to seamlessly do their day-to-day activities. It helps the patients to adapt to their surroundings with the help of assistive devices. There are situations where students have some injuries or disabilities… Read More »Occupational Therapy


Didactics is synonymous with the term teaching. It focuses primarily on the science of instruction and teaching for a specific field of study. Didactics is the discipline that revolves around teaching.  The term didactics comes from the Greek language and it means “explaining.” Understand and… Read More »Didactics

Oral exam

In an oral exam, the teacher asks questions to their students in a spoken form. The oral exam is a very common type of examination that is conducted in schools, colleges, and universities. Oral exams are also known as viva exams. In this form of… Read More »Oral exam


Chunking is a process by which small bits of information are grouped together in a meaningful manner. Chunking is used to increase memory power and improve the retention of analytics information. As the information is being stored coherently in the minds of people, it will… Read More »Chunking


Elicitation is a teaching approach where students are encouraged to actively participate in the learning process. The elicitation technique is primarily used by ESL teachers to improve the language proficiency of their students. Teachers place a strong emphasis on the value of student engagement in… Read More »Elicitation

CRT Full Form

CRT Full Form CRT full form- Culturally Responsive Teaching.  Culturally sensitive teaching is a type of pedagogy that recognizes the differences among students in every classroom and takes steps to support inclusivity and diversity. It empowers students and tries to bridge the achievement gap that… Read More »CRT Full Form

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World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology