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SMART Full Form

SMART Full Form  SMART Full Form is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Defining these parameters as they relate to your goal helps makes sure that the objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. This approach rids itself of generalities and guesswork, sets a… Read More »SMART Full Form


CORI Full Form – Concept-oriented reading instruction CORI is designed to teach children reading comprehension by the careful integration of science and reading. The primary aim of the exercise is to increase the reading comprehension of students from the third grade to the fifth by… Read More »CORI

VILT Meaning

VILT Meaning VILT meaning Virtual Instructor-Led Training refers to training when students and teachers are at different locations. This opens a  door of opportunities for students across the globe. Since the wake of COVID-19, the world has shifted to an online learning ecosystem where students… Read More »VILT Meaning

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is a learning process that lasts one’s entire life. Lifelong learning helps learners to evolve and develop as an individual. It keeps us updated and provides exposure to knowledge that will enable the individual to thrive in social and professional life. It plays… Read More »Lifelong Learning


The gurukula or gurukulam system had its origin in 5000 BC. The term ‘gurukula’ or ‘gurukulam’ is a combination of two words ‘guru’, which means teacher, and ‘kula’, which means family or home. Gurukal was a residential school system that used to be prevalent during… Read More »Gurukulam

Ex Post Facto Research

An ex post facto research design is a particular method in which groups with qualities that already exist are put into comparison with some dependent variable. Ex post facto literally translates to ‘after the fact’. Ex post facto research design is considered to be quasi-experimental… Read More »Ex Post Facto Research

Information Overload

Information overload is the inability to make decisions because of the availability of a lot of data. Being exposed to a lot of information can hamper your ability to make decisions and this is information overload. We are living in a society where we are… Read More »Information Overload

Introducing the World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology
World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology