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TGT Eligibility

The TGT eligibility criteria are quite simplified and clear but let’s, first of all, understand what TGT is.TGT is one of the most talked-about terms of all time and every teaching aspirant researches deeply about TGT before beginning their journey. TGT stands for Trained Graduate… Read More »TGT Eligibility

TGT PGT Vacancy

“It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom”- Michael Morpurg. The influence of a teacher on a student’s life goes beyond the classroom, TGT PGT takes an individual interested in teaching closer to their dream. To understand everything starting from TGT eligibility, PGT… Read More »TGT PGT Vacancy


5 Reasons Why Online Teaching is Great for Teachers Virtual Education is the latest addition to the field of education worldwide. The Covid-19 Pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have had disrupted education everywhere. It was through the medium of online education that teaching and learning did… Read More »Teachers

Remedial Classes

Just how five fingers of the same hand are not the same, similarly, not every child sitting in the class is the same. It’s easy for some students to grasp things easily in one go, while some students might have to read the same thing… Read More »Remedial Classes


When it comes to learning, the most important component is the willingness to learn. According to famous Italian physician Maria Montessori, “The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” However, the traditional classrooms and their instruction-based… Read More »Gamification


Teaching is considered one of the noblest jobs in the world. It is one of the most valued professions as it helps shape the minds of students. Like most professions, teaching, particularly for primary or secondary classes, has its own degree requirement. B.Ed, short for… Read More »B.Ed

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