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Teaching Eligibility

Teaching eligibility or teaching eligibility test are similar terms that are popular worldwide. It is an exam conducted at both the national and the state level to determine if the candidate is eligible for a teaching position and has the requisite teaching skills that a… Read More »Teaching Eligibility

Teaching Diploma

A teaching diploma refers to a diploma in teaching and education. The purpose of this is to educate a teaching assistant to learn about the teaching methodologies and receive a teaching license to impart their knowledge to the students in schools and universities.  Teaching diploma… Read More »Teaching Diploma

Teaching Assistant

A teaching assistant is an education assistant or team teacher who assists individuals or students with teaching responsibilities. This includes only graduate teaching assistants, who have graduated with education degrees, such as bachelors of education or masters of education. We also know them as professional… Read More »Teaching Assistant


Reading refers to the process of comprehending a series of symbols that are in a written format. One can draw the intended meaning from them. In the academic context, it is a fundamental process through which students absorb knowledge, with their eyes and their understanding.… Read More »Reading


A quiz refers to a fast and information evaluation of the knowledge of students. Teachers often give a quiz within a learning environment to assess how the learners understand a concept. Therefore, it serves as a process to understand students’ insight into the subject matter.… Read More »Quiz

Quick Write

Quick write is an active exercise involved in learning. Here, The teachers generally ask a question on a topic that has already been taught in class and provide around five minutes to the students to answer the same.  Quick write aims to determine whether or… Read More »Quick Write


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a broader term for Information Technology (IT). It includes products that store, process, transmit, convert, duplicate or receive information electronically. All these can be done through various devices to easing the process of digital communication.  Information and communication technology… Read More »ICT

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