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Remote Teaching

Remote teaching is an online teaching method that includes teaching via technology such as a classroom management app, video conferencing software, other educational videos, etc. Remote teaching is similar to the online teaching method but has a slight difference. The online teaching method is a… Read More »Remote Teaching

Remote Proctoring

Remote proctoring refers to remotely supervising the exam with live video streaming and online monitoring software to ensure integrity and authenticity. Remote proctoring needs high-speed internet connectivity and the latest technology to enable smooth functioning.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features… Read More »Remote Proctoring

Staff Meeting

In a staff meeting, the members of a school — the teachers, administrative assistant, and headmaster assemble to discuss the educational progress, subjects, syllabus, etc., that will help the school or university’s smooth functioning. In a staff meeting, the main aim is to exchange opinions, ideas, and… Read More »Staff Meeting

Staff Development

Staff development is a process of practices and procedures that helps develop the knowledge, competencies, and skills of the people in the organization. It also improves the effectiveness and efficiency of an individual and the university. The success of any university or an educational institution… Read More »Staff Development

SSA Full Form

The full form of SSA is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. It is a flagship program for the Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) formulated by the Government of India. It is also one of the fundamental rights mandated by the 86th amendment of the Indian Constitution. Understand… Read More »SSA Full Form

Sphere Of Education

The sphere of education provides a strong base for a student’s personal development, which helps prepare them for all the aspects of adult life. They get a foundation or a framework for understanding a particular issue, culture, and systems of the world where we live… Read More »Sphere Of Education

Special Education

Special education is oriented to meet the needs of differently-abled students. It provides specialized instructions to students who are identified with a disability; this helps meet their unique learning needs and give them opportunities to develop to their full potential. Understand and digitize school operations… Read More »Special Education

Visual Learning

Visual learning refers to the learning strategy technique, which includes colorful images such as videography or bright pictures. Visual learning has proved to be one of the most effective learning methods adopted by teachers. The main aim of visual learning is to make learning more… Read More »Visual Learning

Visual Aids

Visual aids refer to teaching methods with infographic content such as color charts, icons, pictures, graphs, posters, videos, etc. Visual aids are flexible learning methods that help the students connect the book’s content with the visuals they see. Visual aids make it easier for students… Read More »Visual Aids

Vision Statement

The vision statement for education refers to a school or other educational institute’s outline statement of public declaration describing their future goals, purpose, or mission. It is an expression of the school’s future reality by declaring their practical commitments which a school believes are needed… Read More »Vision Statement

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