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Transfer Credit

College students often use the university term transfer credit, also known as advanced standing. This term refers to the process of granting credit on the grounds of educational courses taken at a different university. This is granted to learners or students who shift from one… Read More »Transfer Credit

Transfer Articulation

Transfer articulation, through its agreements known as the transfer agreement, creates a pathway between the institutions to allow a student’s transfer from one educational institution to another. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the study planner for efficient school management.… Read More »Transfer Articulation

Transfer Admission Guarantee

Transfer admission guarantee, also known as the TAG Agreement, is an educational program that guarantees admission to students from community colleges to various colleges and universities. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the study planner for efficient school management. The… Read More »Transfer Admission Guarantee


A transcript is a document that contains every single academic detail of a student after they enroll in the course of obtaining grades in various subjects of their predetermined curriculum. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the study planner for… Read More »Transcript

Traditional Classroom

A traditional classroom is an educational place where the teacher delivers knowledge to the students in person without any third-party medium. This is the most common way of learning all around the world. Here, the pace of learning remains constant. Understand and digitize school operations… Read More »Traditional Classroom


TOEFL is the acronym for “Test of English as a Foreign Language”. It is a well-known exam conducted to evaluate the students on their proficiency in the English language. It is to study the individual’s use and comprehension of the English language. TOEFL covers ELL… Read More »TOEFL

Teaching-Learning Material

Teaching learning material (TLM) full form for instructional material. It is any material used by the teacher to enhance their teaching to be more comprehensive and effective in the classroom. Leaving behind the conventional teaching method of teachers reading out the lessons and students simply… Read More »Teaching-Learning Material

Student Communication

The word student communication is derived from the Latin word “communis,” which means “common”. The word communication means to interact with some to establish a commonness with them.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework app for efficient school… Read More »Student Communication

Student-Centered Learning

Student-centered learning, also known as learner-centered education, is based on constructivist theories of education championed by Swiss clinical physiologist Jean Piaget.  Student-centered learning refers to a variety of learning experiences, academic-support strategies specifically intended to address the learning needs, interests, or cultural backgrounds of individual… Read More »Student-Centered Learning

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