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Student Apps

Student apps are built to help students perform better and smoother with the help of the Internet. The Internet is a blessing if used correctly.   Taking notes, adhering to deadlines, conducting online tests and quizzes, storing data, and keeping track of their submissions are some… Read More »Student Apps

Student Affairs

The term, student affairs, means in relation to a department or division of services built for students’ welfare and success. These groups are for both academic and personal aid for the students in schools and universities.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its… Read More »Student Affairs

Student Activism

Also popularly known as campus activism, Student activism refers to any social, political, cultural, or environmental work done by students to generate a change in the society or surroundings.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework app for efficient… Read More »Student Activism

Student Achievement

Student achievement is a term that refers to the measurement of a student’s overall academic achievement and learning over a particular period of time. The tutor/teacher determines the level of student achievement.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework… Read More »Student Achievement


STEM represents Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths. The concept of STEM is to blend all four subjects and create a flexible learning method instead of teaching them separately, as they are interconnected.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework… Read More »STEM


STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. STEAM is an extension of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, which adds arts into the existing education system.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework app for efficient… Read More »STEAM

Standardized Test

Define standardized tests can be answered as a  test that follows the same pattern and is uniformly given to each student. The main aim of standardized tests is to ensure uniformity at every level. Thus, making the test preparation easy. A standard test allows easy… Read More »Standardized Test

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a generic method that helps to find solutions to problems. Many problems solving techniques are developed with artificial intelligence, mathematics, philosophy, and computer science. Well, the term problem solving includes ​cognitive skills in psychology and the computer in Computer Science calculations. Besides,… Read More »Problem Solving

Prior Knowledge

Prior knowledge is the information that the learner already has, before learning the new concept. The learner can quickly improve his educational skills and get the advantage of his previous knowledge.  Assessing the prior knowledge of the student, helps the instructor to craft the plan… Read More »Prior Knowledge

Principles of Teaching

Educational psychology has pointed out several teaching techniques​ referred to as the laws of learning and principles of teaching. This generally applies to students who want to develop their learning skills. The learning principles are guides to make the learning practical and meaningful. According to… Read More »Principles of Teaching

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