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Every person has their first language, or native language, which is also known as L1. The language which is not the native language is the second language or L2. The person learns this language later in life. The second-language can be any foreign language; even… Read More »Second-Language


A scholar is a person who follows intellectual activities and also has the academic achievement. They usually develop their expertise in one area of study. The scholar can also work as a teacher, professor, researcher at any university, or any other institution providing higher education.… Read More »Scholar


Know more about SCERT Full Form SCERT full form for the State Council of Educational Research and Training. Being an autonomous body of the government of India, SCERT deals in school education and academics like curriculum formulation, textbook preparation, teachers’ handbooks, and teacher training.  It… Read More »SCERT

Scaffolding in Education

The word scaffolding in education means the process of teaching. In this process, teachers make a prototype and explain to their students how they can solve the problems. After that, scaffolding teachers move back and let their students solve their problems. Teachers are there to… Read More »Scaffolding in Education


Scaffolding refers to the different instructional techniques that are used to move students progressively towards a stronger understanding and more independence in the learning process. The teachers have to provide consecutive levels of temporary support and help students reach higher levels of comprehension. Here, they… Read More »Scaffolding

Sage on the Stage

Sage on the stage is a teaching method of imparting knowledge by an educator. An educator, mostly at the post-secondary level, transfers knowledge by giving a lecture to the audience. The word sage means a profound person, and sage on stage refers to a profoundly… Read More »Sage on the Stage


Rubric refers to a set of instructions or titles in a book or an exam paper printed in a particular style. It is written or printed in red so that it can be distinguished from the rest of the text. Rubric is a great tool… Read More »Rubric


The full form of RTE is the Right to Education. Right to Education is also known as the RTE Act, 2009. The parliament of India enacted this act on August 4, 2009. It describes the importance of free and compulsory education for children aged between… Read More »RTE

Rote Learning

Rote learning refers to the memorization of specific new items by repetition. It enhances the ability to quickly recall the meaning of the material after one has repeatedly memorized it. Due to this, the data has been stored in mind, often without a proper understanding… Read More »Rote Learning

Out of Field Teaching

Out-of-field teaching is an approach under which tutors are assigned to teach the subjects they did not qualify in. It affects student learning in a pessimistic way in case of poor management.  This is usually seen due to the rigid staff development when there is… Read More »Out of Field Teaching

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