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Online Classrooms

The classrooms that are conducted in the online space are called online classrooms. They include classes like academics, music, dance, etc. These make use of the internet to organise a course study. The structure of an online classroom is similar to a physical class in… Read More »Online Classrooms

Online Classroom Setup

Online Classroom Setup is the method of arranging tools and resources for educating students in the virtual space. It uses technology like a webcam, computer, fast speed internet, and some software. Teachers can use a lot of teaching techniques in the online setup. Online classroom… Read More »Online Classroom Setup

Feeder School

Feeder school is a school after which most of the students go to a higher level of a specific educational institution. In feeder school, students go for the same course which they have opted in their primary school. The design of a feeder school is… Read More »Feeder School

Exit Exam

An exit exam is done to evaluate the skills of a student related to writing, reading, math, and critical thinking. The exit exams are conducted at the end of the tenure of higher education.  The exit exams are organized to assess the general education level… Read More »Exit Exam

Exam Preparation

The assessment of the knowledge and ability of a person on a particular subject is known as an exam. The preparation done to appear for any exam is called exam preparation. Exam preparation is designed to improve the performance of a student on a standardized… Read More »Exam Preparation


Exam is defined as the evaluation of the understanding of the knowledge of a person.  The assessment can be done in the form of a formal test. The exam is taken to check the knowledge of a student of a particular subject. The exam includes… Read More »Exam


The full form of ERNET is Education and Research NETwork. It is a scientific society that is autonomous. It comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. The headquarters of ERNET is based out of New Delhi.  It has contributed to… Read More »ERNET


E-refund means the refund of the amount done electronically.  E-refund is the method of repayment of financial help using electronic means. Or in simple terms, it is the process of getting financial aid deposited in your account electronically.  Students who are seeking financial aid have… Read More »E-Refund

Entry-Exit Tickets

Entry-exit tickets are tools that teachers use to get an understanding of the student on a given topic. Teachers can use a small size paper or can make use of technology by making an online survey form to do this exercise.  Understand and digitize school… Read More »Entry-Exit Tickets


The meaning of the word enrollment is taking admission or initiating for attendance in school or office. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the school ERP software for efficient school management. If a student wants to take admission in any… Read More »Enrollment

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