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It is very important to get a clear definition regarding what is classroom, so that it becomes easier to understand how it is an important part of the life of the students.  Classroom refers to a specially designed space to teach the students without any… Read More »Classroom

Class Size

Class size refers to the total number of students in each classroom. Depending upon class size, the teachers may divide the students by making an active learning classroom, where they engage the students in deep learning activities rather than surface learning. Active learning strategies promote… Read More »Class Size

Direct Instruction

As the name suggests, Direct Instruction means giving instructions face-to-face without any medium. It’s called a teacher-directed teaching method, or traditional classroom teaching method, where the teacher teaches using the blackboard. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the admission management… Read More »Direct Instruction

Dimensions of Learning

Dimension meaning in learning is a systematic structure of instructional planning of lessons that mainly focus on learning. This framework has been customized to achieve some important parameters in learning.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the admission management system… Read More »Dimensions of Learning

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling tells a story beautifully digitally. It takes the storytelling tradition a level up with text, images, audios, and videos. However, digital storytelling does not deviate from traditional storytelling; the focal point is on a specific topic. There is a systematic process to this… Read More »Digital Storytelling

Digital Learning

Digital learning has become the norm nowadays. It refers to gaining knowledge via electronic media.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the admission management system for efficient school management. As the name suggests, this makes use of technology and the… Read More »Digital Learning

Digital Education

Digital education is also known as technology-enhanced learning or e-learning. In simple terms, digital education is the use of technology and digital tools to teach and learn.  This innovative use of digital technology is beneficial for both teachers and students. By exploring new ways, educators… Read More »Digital Education

Digital Divide

The digital divide is a term used to describe the gap between the people who can access and leverage the internet and those who cannot. It means the gap between the demographics that have access to technology versus those who don’t. It includes access to… Read More »Digital Divide

Digital Classroom

What is digital classroom? The digital classroom is also known as a smart classroom or flipped classroom or technology-enabled classroom. It is a classroom that is fully incorporated into electronic devices. Here the student learning and interaction are fully supported by the use of technology.… Read More »Digital Classroom

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is a type of teaching that involves teachers’ efforts to respond to the learners according to their needs and requirements. According to students, in differentiated instruction, the teachers adjust their teaching pattern to improve their learning experience. The teacher can design the lesson… Read More »Differentiated Instruction

Introducing the World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology
World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology