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Teacher Diary

A teacher diary is a tool that is used by teachers for effective teaching. It plays a very important role in the teaching-learning process and in order to make the teaching process effective, it is a very good idea for a teacher to maintain a… Read More »Teacher Diary

Student Credit Card

Student credit cards are ones that are designed for college students. Their specialty is that they have a limited credit history. A lot of times they do not have an annual fee while also having cardholder benefits and perks like a rewards program. A student… Read More »Student Credit Card

Material Science and Engineering

Material Science and Engineering combines the disciplines of engineering, physics, and chemistry principles to solve real-world problems associated with nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, energy, manufacturing, and other major engineering disciplines.  Everything is made of something, and the subject of material science and engineering is to… Read More »Material Science and Engineering

Political Sociology

Political sociology is an interdisciplinary field of study that concerns itself with the exploration of how governance and society interact with one another and influence each other at both the micro as well as macro levels of analysis. Interested in the consequences of how power… Read More »Political Sociology

Feedback Form

A feedback form is a form that students can fill out to send feedback to the teacher. It is generally given to students within the classroom and they are asked to fill it in within a certain timeframe so as to not take too much… Read More »Feedback Form

Explicit Memory

Explicit memory, also known as declarative memory, is one of the two main types of long-term human memory, the other one being implicit memory. Explicit memory can be defined as the conscious, intentional recollection of information, previous experiences, and concepts for definitive purposes. This type… Read More »Explicit Memory

Venn Diagram

A Venn diagram is a diagram style that is used to show the logical relation between sets, and it was popularized by John Venn in the 1880s. They are used to teach elementary set theory and illustrate simple set relationships in the realm of probability,… Read More »Venn Diagram

What is Management

In simple terms and according to the definitions given in dictionaries, management refers to the process of dealing with or controlling things or people. In terms of an organization, management refers to dealing with the administrative and non-administrative tasks. Many people who ask what is… Read More »What is Management

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