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Data Science Course

Data science has emerged as a multidisciplinary field that captures information based on big data. It follows various phases to cleanse the collected data and convert those raw numbers into meaning information and helps one develop an understanding of how the world works. With the… Read More »Data Science Course

Topographic Map

A topographic map or topographic sheet is a kind of map that is characterized by large scale detail and quantitative representation of relief features, generally making use of contour lines, but historically making use of a variety of methods. Traditional definitions dictate that a topographic… Read More »Topographic Map

Semi Log Graph

In the field of science and engineering, a semi log graph has one axis on a logarithmic scale, while the other is on a linear scale. The semi log graph paper is useful for data that has exponential relationships, while one variable covers a large… Read More »Semi Log Graph


Titration, which is also known as titrimetry or volumetric analysis, is a common method of quantitative chemical analysis used in the laboratory to determine the student concentration of an identified analyte. A reagent, referred to as the titrant or titrator, is prepared as a standard… Read More »Titration

Job Fair

A job fair is an event that is conducted, usually on an annual basis, on either college campuses or off-campus sites. A job fair is a place where people come together to compete with one another for a job. Such an occasion is organized to… Read More »Job Fair


An infirmary refers to a school’s emergency medical assistance system and provides students with the necessary medical aid they need within the premises of the school if such a need arises. The infirmary is run by the non teaching section of the staff and may… Read More »Infirmary

Data Science

As the name suggests, data science is the study of vast data using modern tools and techniques. This domain is used to find the unseen patterns, derive meaningful information, and make business decisions without much difficulty. This subject is focused on building predictive models using… Read More »Data Science

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