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Statistics Meaning

Statistics meaning can be summed up in the definition that it is a part of applied mathematics that involves the collection, analysis and interpretation of facts and figures. This subject uses various mathematical concepts like differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory. People… Read More »Statistics Meaning

What is Mathematics

What is mathematics? It is said that mathematics is at the heart of science and is applicable in daily life. It is the science that deals with the shapes and volumes of different arrangements. Students get to learn about various shapes and sizes and their… Read More »What is Mathematics

Alumni Meet

Every school and college conducts an alumni meet where they call all passed out students and let them interact with each other. It is not only about maintaining a good relationship or connection with the passed-out students but also the alumni meet makes an institute… Read More »Alumni Meet

Pure Mathematics Meaning

Pure Mathematics Meaning – Pure mathematics is the study of mathematics without any applications to the real world. This means that pure mathematicians are more interested in the theoretical side of mathematics, and they try to find patterns and relationships between numbers and objects. Pure… Read More »Pure Mathematics Meaning

IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur is a public technical university that aims to improve the quality of technical education in India. The institute is regarded as one of the institutes of national importance by the Government of India. It was established under the Institutes of Technology Act to… Read More »IIT Kanpur

Bangalore University

Bangalore University is one of the prominent universities in the state of Karnataka. It is a public state university situated in Mysore Road, Bangalore. The university is accredited by NAAC and got a grade A in 2016 under the new system of colleges grading. The… Read More »Bangalore University


A neologism is a relatively recent term, phrase, or word that may be in the process of entering common use, but that has not been fully accepted into mainstream language. A neologism is often driven by changes in culture and technology. In the process of… Read More »Neologism

PNS Full Form

PNS Full Form  PNS Full Form is Post-Normal Science. Post-normal science represents a rather new approach for the use of science on issues where facts cannot be deemed uncertain, values are in dispute, stakes high, and decisions urgent. PNS was developed during the 1990s by… Read More »PNS Full Form

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