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Parapsychology is the study of psychic phenomena such as  Extrasensory perception Telepathy Precognition Clairvoyance Psychokinesis, also known as telekinesis Psychometry, and so on. Parapsychology also involves other paranormal claims, such as those that are related to near-death experiences, apparitional experiences, synchronicity, and similar unexplainable activities.… Read More »Parapsychology

Logical Positivism

Logical positivism, also known as logical empiricism neopositivism, was a movement in Western philosophy whose central thesis was the verification principle also called the verifiability criterion of meaning. This theory of knowledge stated that only statements that are unfalsifiably verifiable through logical proof or direct… Read More »Logical Positivism


In mathematical logic, a tautology is an assertion or formula that is true in every possible interpretation. An example would be “x=y or x≠y”. It is an unfalsifiable claim that is made in the realm of mathematics. A similar example would be ‘either the ball… Read More »Tautology

Systematic Review

A systematic review is a type of review that makes use of repeatable analytical methods to collect secondary data and analyze it. It is a type of evidence synthesis that formulates research questions that are broad or narrow in scope and are characterized by how… Read More »Systematic Review

Reading Practice

Reading practice is crucial for students. It enhances their communication and comprehension abilities. Moreover, children also learn to think deeply on a topic or subject. Reading an article, story, or any other forms of writing is crucial if you want to enhance your reading skills.… Read More »Reading Practice

Domain Knowledge

Domain knowledge refers to the specific knowledge related to a domain or industry. If you have knowledge about the working of a particular industry outside your job industry, you may be called a domain expert. These knowledge domains are not limited to jobs or a… Read More »Domain Knowledge

Industrial Biotechnology

Biotechnology is the use of microorganisms and other bio materials to create or develop different products. Likewise, industrial biotechnology is the use of new approaches to prevent pollution, conserve resources, and cut down costs. It is often considered as the third wave in biotechnology. It… Read More »Industrial Biotechnology

Research Question

This can be defined as a question that a research project is set out to answer. Choosing it is a fundamental element of both qualitative as well as quantitative research. An investigation will require data collection from various sources and analysis, and the methodology used… Read More »Research Question

Secondary Research

Secondary research involves the collation or summary and the subsequent synthesis of existing research. It differs from primary research in that the latter involves the generation of data, while the former makes use of primary research sources as a point of data for the purpose… Read More »Secondary Research


Phenomenology can be defined as the philosophy of experience. For this field of study, the source of all meaning and value for human beings is their own lived experience. All philosophical systems, aesthetic judgments, or scientific theories have the status of abstractions from the everyday… Read More »Phenomenology

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