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MEM Degree

MEM stands for Masters in Engineering Management. A MEM degree is a professional master’s degree that is exclusively designed to bridge the gap between the fields of engineering, technology, and management. Often known as the ‘MBA for Engineers’ or the  ‘Engineer’s MBA’, the MEM degree… Read More »MEM Degree

T Square

A T Square is an instrument that is used for technical drawing. It is primarily used by people who do technical drafting as a guide for drawing horizontal lines on the surface of a drafting table. It may also be used as a guide or… Read More »T Square


Psephology is the branch of Political Science that deals with the art of predicting elections. A psephologist is a person who does the quantitative analysis of elections and balloting. As such, the task of a psephologist is to attempt to explain elections by making use… Read More »Psephologist

CAD Full Form

CAD Full Form  CAD Full Form is Computer-Aided Design. Computer-aided design is the use of computers (or workstations) to assist in the creation, analysis, optimization, or modification of a design. This software is used for the following reasons:  Improve the productivity of the designer Improve… Read More »CAD Full Form

CLAT Consortium

The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs), also known as the CLAT Consortium, is a group of 22 National Law Universities that are responsible for conducting the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The CLAT Consortium was first established on August 9, 2017, with its mission… Read More »CLAT Consortium

Knowledge Economy

The knowledge economy also known as a knowledge-based economy, is an economic system where the production of goods and services is based mainly on knowledge-intensive activities that help contribute to the advancement of technical and scientific innovation. The key element of value in a knowledge… Read More »Knowledge Economy

Engineering Ethics

Engineering Ethics refers to the set of rules and guidelines that engineers must adhere to as a moral obligation to their profession and to the world. Engineering is a career that has a profound impact on lives. When engineering ethics is not followed, the result… Read More »Engineering Ethics

Cognitive Neuroscience

Cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of how the brain helps enable the mind. Brain science explores how each individual neuron operates and communicates as a means of forming complex neural architectures that make up the human brain. Cognitive science makes use of the experimental… Read More »Cognitive Neuroscience

What is Bootcamp

What is Bootcamp  What is bootcamp, especially in the field of education? A bootcamp is an accelerated, intensive study program that enables students to learn the tech skills that are in demand at the time and which are sought by recruiters. From data science to… Read More »What is Bootcamp

Scribe Meaning

Scribe Meaning Scribe meaning is something that is quite often searched for in the context of education. A scribe in an exam is a person who writes a student’s examination for them if they are visually impaired. In some instances, the word ‘amanuensis’ is used… Read More »Scribe Meaning

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