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Weighted Graph

A weighted graph is a graph in which a numerical weight is provided before each value. It is a simple graph with weighted edges defined for all values. The graph is used to calculate the shortest distance between two points. It consists of a set… Read More »Weighted Graph

Student Portfolio

Student portfolios are a true assessment tool with a plethora of different applications in the classroom. Student portfolios could be your new secret weapon for tracking development for special education kids, presenting parents with a more open look at their child’s successes, and helping students… Read More »Student Portfolio

Benchmark Meaning

Benchmark meaning Benchmark is a point of reference through which a thing is judged. It helps discover the potential and how anyone can improve their performance. The process of benchmarking is also crucial for schools as it allows them to compare their performance with other… Read More »Benchmark Meaning

Reverse Psychology

Reverse psychology is a technique that involves the assertion of a behavior or belief that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what is actually required. Reverse psychology relies on the… Read More »Reverse Psychology


A typewriter is an electromechanical or mechanical machine for typing characters. Generally, a typewriter has an array of keys, each one causing a different single character to be produced on paper when the key strikes an inked ribbon selectively against the paper with a type… Read More »Typewriter

Feature Writing

Feature Writing is a critically recognized literary form of writing in journalism. It involves writing featured articles on great personalities, relevant issues, and trending topics. This form of writing is generally longer than a news story and is informative in nature. Feature writing is used… Read More »Feature Writing

ALD Full Form

ALD Full Form  ALD Full form refers to Academic Language Development.  Academic language refers to the oral, auditory, visual, and written language proficiency needed to learn in schools and academic programs effectively. In other words, it can be defined as the language used in classroom… Read More »ALD Full Form


An English Language Learner, often referred to by its more popular abbreviated form ELL, is a term used in English-speaking countries like Canada and the US to describe a person who is learning the English language but whose mother tongue is not English. Some educational… Read More »ELL

Model Activity Task

The model activity task is a type of homework that contains a set of questions that are given to all students, ranging from Preprimary school all the way up to Class 12 by the West Bengal Education Department so that students make use of the… Read More »Model Activity Task

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