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A semaphore is the use of a particular apparatus for the creation of a visual signal transmitted over distance. It is usually can be performed with flags, but it can also be done with: Fire Lights Sunlight Moving arms Understand and digitize school operations with… Read More »Semaphore

Action Research Means

Action Research means a method of inquiry that teachers undertake systematically as researchers of their own practice. Action research means an interactive inquiry process balancing problem-solving actions that are implemented within a collaborative context with the analysis of data-driven collaboration or research as a means… Read More »Action Research Means

IIIT Full Form

IIIT Full Form IIIT full form stands for Indian Institute of Information Technology.  An Indian Institute of Information Technology is a name used to refer to a group of twenty-five interdisciplinary technology-based-engineering research institutions situated in India that are focused on the subject of information… Read More »IIIT Full Form

School Drama

A school drama can be defined as any drama that involves students studying at school. It can be for school annual day, interschool festivals, or for inter-house competitions within the school. It is simply a drama that has school students enacting the roles of the… Read More »School Drama

Peace Education

Peace education means providing students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to live in peace. Such programs are being expanded globally because of increased awareness of the need for peace in our world. In a peace education program, students learn about conflicts both within their… Read More »Peace Education

Demonstration Method

In the method of teaching through the demonstration method, students are set up to conceptualize class material more effectively. A demonstration is often required when students have a hard time connecting the theory they learn to actual practice or when they are unable to understand… Read More »Demonstration Method

College Fest

College Fest is an event that celebrates college life. It includes a variety of different activities from concerts to carnivals. Tens of thousands of students from all over the world attend and participate in the festivities and make lifelong memories. College fest is an event… Read More »College Fest


ADDIE is an acronym that expands to Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The ADDIE model is one of the most well-known models for instructional design (the process of designing including exam planning, developing, and delivering content chiefly pertaining to pedagogy). The biggest advantage of… Read More »ADDIE

Cultural Studies

Cultural studies is an interdisciplinary field that makes people understand the dynamics of contemporary culture and the history of popular cultures of the world. This field considers various factors like ideology, class structures, national formations, ethnicity, gender, and generation. Cultural studies do not view culture… Read More »Cultural Studies

Comparative Literature

Comparative literature covers literature and other creative forms of writing from various cultures, nations, and genres. It explores the relationship between literature and other forms of creative writings. Moreover, it delves deeper into the aspects of literature in society. It tries to get the answer… Read More »Comparative Literature

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