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An axiom is a statement that is considered to be true in order to serve as a premise or starting point for reasoning and arguments. The word axiom comes from the Ancient Greek word axioma meaning ‘that which is considered worthy or fit’ or ‘that… Read More »Axiom

Automobile Engineering

Automobile engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with vehicles, incorporating the relevant elements of mechanical, electronic, electrical, software, and safety engineering as required by the manufacture, operation and design of automobiles, motorcycles, and trucks, including their respective engineering subsystems. Automobile engineering also includes… Read More »Automobile Engineering

11th Chemistry Guide

11th Chemistry Guide  11th chemistry can be quite difficult, especially when transitioning from simple 10th standard chemistry to the intricate nuances of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, kinematics, and other complex topics in 11th. This can leave a student in disarray and make them feel like… Read More »11th Chemistry Guide

Area of Rhombus

The area of rhombus is a topic in geometry that discusses the amount of space enclosed by a rhombus. However, the rhombus must be drawn on a two-dimensional surface. It is a geometrical figure having equal sides. A rhombus may look like a square, but… Read More »Area of Rhombus

Learning ERP

Learning ERP is crucial to provide a holistic learning environment to every student. It helps students gain the most out of online classrooms. The unmatched user experience and ability to learn from anywhere makes this software a boon for every student.  Other advantages of an… Read More »Learning ERP

Institute ERP

Institute ERP is software that streamlines the administrative and non-administrative activities of an organization. Schools can also use this software to control their ongoing activities. With Teachmint, schools get an excellent way to streamline the administrative tasks and make themselves future-ready. The institute management can… Read More »Institute ERP

Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning, also referred to as instrumental conditioning, is a method of learning that makes use of rewards and punishments as a means of controlling behavior. Operant conditioning is where an association is made between a certain type of behavior and a consequence for that… Read More »Operant Conditioning

Case Study

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a person, group, or event. In a case study, almost every aspect of the said entity’s life and history is analyzed to find patterns and the causes of their behavior. Case studies can be used in a… Read More »Case Study

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World's First AI-Enabled Connected Classroom Technology