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Who Invented Homework

Homework is often looked down upon by students as something that is time-consuming and laborious – something that takes away free time from them. While students see it as a curse, teachers find it necessary for students to do homework because it is a fundamental… Read More »Who Invented Homework

AICTE internship

The rise in global competition has prompted organizations to hire the best talent. Therefore, organizations all over the world are on the lookout for a technically skilled and future-ready workforce. The increased competition has enhanced the need to develop an internship policy. AICTE has developed… Read More »AICTE internship

Combined Study

Students prefer different ways to study and learn new topics. However, many students consider combined study as an effective way to learn new skills and transfer knowledge. They believe that studying in this way helps them gain more knowledge on specific topics. As a result,… Read More »Combined Study

Summer Vacation

Summer vacation meaning can be defined as a time when students enjoy their free time. Every year, as excited kids we wait for our summer vacations. This time helps us to make the moments that we cherish forever. From visiting our grandparent’s house to going… Read More »Summer Vacation

Notice Board

A notice board, in the general sense of the term, is a board that is used for the purpose of displaying notices. It is usually seen in schools and colleges to show what students have done or is used as a means of communicating a… Read More »Notice Board

Deccan Education Society

In the framework of education, the Deccan Education Society is renowned as one of the most established and celebrated educational organizations in India. The founding members of this illustrious organization are: Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak Gopal Ganesh Agarkar Vishnushastri Chiplunkar Prin. Vaman Shivram Apte Mahadeo… Read More »Deccan Education Society

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