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Building Capacity

Building Capacity 

The phrase building capacity refers to any effort being made to improve the abilities, skills, and expertise of teachers. The main focus is to focus on furthering an organization’s ability to do new things and improve what they currently do. We can simply say it improves the organization’s performance and enhances its ability to function and continue to stay relevant within a rapidly changing environment. Various building capacity activities are improving governance, supporting collaboration, increasing sustainability, and many more. Training is part of building capacity. It includes a whole range of activities designed to empower individuals and institutions.

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There are several types of building capacities like Nonprofit consulting groups, Nonprofit intermediaries, Research institutions, Academic centers and schools and programs that focus on organizational development and nonprofit management and administration, and Nonprofit Associations. Teachers need to develop it. It is important to develop a teacher’s skills and knowledge as it directly affects students’ achievement and how students feel about their school.

It has many benefits as it approaches purposefully to minimize an over-reliance on outside experts as sources of knowledge, resources, and solutions to community issues, fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, Strengthens confidence, skills, knowledge, and many more.

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