Capstone Project also called a senior exhibition or capstone experience or capstone course, among many other terms, refers to the academician’s final in-depth assignment. It is the task assigned to the graduate school students at the end of an academic year.
The capstone project is designed to help the professors understand what the students have learned throughout the curriculum. Its main aim is to improve student’s self-perception and confidence and prepare them to face the professional world. It is a widely acclaimed and known course that aims to analyze and assess the students.
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A capstone project is similar to a routine college thesis, but the approach involves various projects requiring teamwork. The course is intended to provide the students outside of campus experience and encourage them to excel in collaboration, planning, communication, public speaking, research, etc.
Capstone course assignment or projects includes the team to work via different channels like classroom management apps so that the project can be monitored by the professors simultaneously to save paper and time. The project also includes audiovisual aids, multimedia presentations — photographs, films, or videos. The final presentation is a tangible product presented in front of the entire campus. The Capstone course is a vital part of education services.
For example, Don Bosco Arts University third-year capstone project includes the students to build a sustainable garden at the campus. They were divided into two teams, and each section had 20 students. Team A built an attraction by using plastic bottle waste, while team B built an appeal using coconut shred. To make the project 100% sustainable, the teams went zero on paper usage and did the project on Google Classroom and designed on photoshop.
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