Co curricular activities are the activities in which students are able to develop their personality by participating in different programs and clubs according to their interests. Co-curricular activities generally, but not always, take place at other places than the school. On the basis of these activities marks are not provided to the students, they may take place outside of school or after regular school hours, and they may be administered by other organizations. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the academic planner for efficient school management.
Some examples of popular educational opportunities that could be considered co-curricular include student journalism, musical performances, art exhibitions, mock trials, debate and math competitions, robotics and engineering groups, and competitions. Typically, extracurricular activities are done outside of regular classes in ICSE school, but they help students in learning new things. These activities help students develop skills in problem-solving, reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration. These activities and learning experiences take place in a school alongside the school curriculum.
Academic success is a key element of school life and is complemented by a broad and rewarding curriculum to provide a well-rounded education. If a student has an interest in music they should participate in music and dance clubs whereas a classmate who is interested in sports should be entrusted with that task. Students should be motivated to participate in co-curricular activities for their overall development. They should know what their talents are and how they can utilize them to develop a better personality. Teachers of the clubs should be guided properly on how to teach students the co-curricular activities.
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