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Concentration for Students

Concentration for students is a bunch of techniques used by instructors to improve the concentration of students. As it’s vital for students to pay close attention both in class and outside, teachers use various tools to assure the same. 

Lack of concentration often makes a student postpone his learning, and that makes this technique extremely important. With excess information surrounding us in the current landscape, it becomes difficult to focus and retain information. Here are a few approaches that teachers can use to improve concentration for students. 

1. Planning lessons with intervals 

Breaking down a single session or class into smaller chunks also helps. As the attention span of students is falling tremendously, teachers are trying to adapt accordingly. 

Lengthy activities can become mundane, and so instructors should have intervals. For instance, if the lesson is 40 minutes long, it’s essential to have a break every 15-20 minutes or divide the class into three mini sessions. 

2. Giving examples at every step 

Another fantastic way to work on concentration for students is by giving them examples. It’s better if they’re tangible and real-life examples. Due to this technique, students absorb faster, and learning becomes fun. 

3. Creating a mindfulness practice routine 

It’s beneficial to teach students about mindfulness from an early age. Incorporating mindfulness practices in classes not only helps students in focusing better but also allows them to be more present. Moreover, they learn to empathize and be compassionate towards their peers. 

4. Physical activity 

Moving around isn’t just great for the physical health of students but also their mental health. Teachers can incorporate fun games that involve physical activity in the classroom. It’d help them in learning while stimulating their creating juices due to physical activity. Instructors can also promote physical activity by sharing its benefits.

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