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ALD Full Form

ALD Full Form  ALD Full form refers to Academic Language Development.  Academic language refers to the oral, auditory, visual, and written language proficiency needed to learn in schools and academic programs effectively. In other words, it can be defined as the language used in classroom… Read More »ALD Full Form

Action Research Means

Action Research means a method of inquiry that teachers undertake systematically as researchers of their own practice. Action research means an interactive inquiry process balancing problem-solving actions that are implemented within a collaborative context with the analysis of data-driven collaboration or research as a means… Read More »Action Research Means


ADDIE is an acronym that expands to Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. The ADDIE model is one of the most well-known models for instructional design (the process of designing including exam planning, developing, and delivering content chiefly pertaining to pedagogy). The biggest advantage of… Read More »ADDIE

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a test to rate the user experience. The test consists of a randomized experiment, namely A and B. In marketing, this test helps companies understand what kind of content converts more website visitors into buyers. However, schools and other educational organizations can… Read More »A/B Testing

Attachment Theory

Attachment theory studies the attachment and bond between people. For example, it includes the bond shared between parents and children. The term attachment is defined as a lasting psychological connection between human beings. This definition was given by British psychologist John Bowlby. The earliest bond… Read More »Attachment Theory

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology (AT) refers to technology for kids with learning disorders. It is defined as any device or piece of equipment system that provides a bypass or compensation for an individual’s specific learning disorder. Over the past decade, in particular, a number of studies have… Read More »Assistive Technology


An ambigram is a unique type of word or design that retains its meaning or gives new meaning when viewed in different orientations and perspectives. This is different from a palindrome – a palindrome is a word that can be read from left to right… Read More »Ambigram

Authorization Letter

An authorization letter is a formal letter, and hence it follows a format mostly similar to the format of a formal letter. An authorization letter is generally handed over in person and hence you can start the letter with the name and address of the… Read More »Authorization Letter

Article Writing

Article writing is a kind of writing that is written to reach a massive audience with the help of the press. An article is a piece of writing written for a large audience. The main motive behind writing an article is that it should be… Read More »Article Writing

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