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CSIR NET Notifications

The CSIR UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for the selection of candidates under the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and also for providing eligibility to be appointed as a Lecturer or Assistant Professor in the Indian colleges and… Read More »CSIR NET Notifications

Books for CSIR NET

The National Testing Agency opens applications for filling the CSIR NET form for the CSIR NET exam to filter qualifying candidates from a pool of lakhs of students. These candidates can become either a Junior Research Fellow or assistant professor in Indian colleges and universities. … Read More »Books for CSIR NET

How to apply for CSIR NET

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) conducts a national exam to identify candidates eligible to become Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and Assistant Professors. The CSIR is among the largest publicly funded research and development organizations. Every year, thousands of candidates pass the CSIR… Read More »How to apply for CSIR NET

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