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Financial Hold

Financial hold represents the overdue balance in the account of the student. It is a restriction imposed by the educational institution when a student fails to pay the fee in full. This includes unpaid tuition fees, fines for parking or unreturned books, outstanding student loan,… Read More »Financial Hold

Feeder School

Feeder school is a school after which most of the students go to a higher level of a specific educational institution. In feeder school, students go for the same course which they have opted in their primary school. The design of a feeder school is… Read More »Feeder School

Future Generation

Today’s school systems are challenged by the fast-paced world with new and complex information found all over the internet. The future generation is the generations of people to come in the future, after the current generations of humans. Technology is an incredible part of our life and connectivity is beyond… Read More »Future Generation

Free Rider Problem

Performing group activities is essential to enhance student’s learning, especially during online learning. However, it results in a free-rider problem – any learner reaping the benefit of other students’ effort without contribution. This issue arises in a group where a single grade is provided for… Read More »Free Rider Problem

Formative Assessment

Formative assessment comprises the summary of significant information in a lecture, weekly quiz to evaluate the comprehension of the revised content. The main aim is to examine the students’ learning to help educators enhance their teaching methodology, and inculcate what the students will need for… Read More »Formative Assessment

Four Corners

The four corners approach is a method that asks learners to decide on a question. In this case, all the corners in the classroom will be named with a unique response according to the question raised or the lecture taken. Students will be moving towards… Read More »Four Corners

Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment comprises the summary of significant information in a lecture, weekly quiz to evaluate the comprehension of the revised content. The main aim is to examine the students’ learning to help educators enhance their teaching methodology, and inculcate what the students will need for… Read More »Formative Assessment

Formal Education

Formal education occurs in the school premises as an individual learns fundamental skills. Kindergarten or nursery is the initial stage in every child’s education, but formal learning commences in elementary school, and students proceed to secondary school to improve their skills. An individual will acquire… Read More »Formal Education

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom is altogether a different and unique concept. This type of classroom provides students with learning content at home. The students can learn them online, at home, or wherever they are. The practice of that knowledge is then done at school with teachers. … Read More »Flipped Classroom

Flexible Learning

Flexible learning is the formal education method that focuses on increasing flexibility in the time, location, teaching, and other aspects of the learning process. It is a method where students are given the liberty to choose how, when, what, and where they want to learn.… Read More »Flexible Learning

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