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Logical Positivism

Logical positivism, also known as logical empiricism neopositivism, was a movement in Western philosophy whose central thesis was the verification principle also called the verifiability criterion of meaning. This theory of knowledge stated that only statements that are unfalsifiably verifiable through logical proof or direct… Read More »Logical Positivism

Learning Process

There are different learning processes and approaches that help you understand a concept or idea. To learn efficiently, tailoring your learning needs and approaches in a direction is important. Moreover, you should try to select the best learning process or technique that can give you… Read More »Learning Process

LS Full Form

LS Full Form  LS full form is Learning sciences.  Learning sciences refers to an interdisciplinary field that works towards further humanistic scientific and critical theoretical understanding of learning and engaging in the design and implementation of learning innovations as well as the improvement of educational… Read More »LS Full Form

Literary Translation

Literary translation is the process of translating creative poetry and prose into other languages. The aim is to make literature accessible to a wider audience base. Literary translation also includes translating ancient literature and modern fiction to other languages to make them available to more… Read More »Literary Translation

Liberal Education

Liberal education is an approach to UG education that promotes the integration of learning across both the curriculum and co-curriculum, as well as between experiential and academic learning, as a means of developing specific learning outcomes essential for citizenship, work, and life in general. Liberal… Read More »Liberal Education

LIT Full Form

LIT Full Form LIT Full Form is literature. Literature can also be considered part of work but it is also defined even more narrowly when it comes to defining it as an art form –  drama, poetry, and prose fiction In recent years, the definition… Read More »LIT Full Form


Legibility can be defined as the ease with which a reader is able to decode symbols. In addition to written language, the term is also used to refer to behavior or architecture. In everyday common language, this term is synonymous with readability even though the… Read More »Legibility

Lingua Franca

A lingua franca also referred to as a common language, bridge language, trade language, vehicular language, link language, or auxiliary language, is a language or dialect used systematically to make communication easy between groups of people who don’t share a native language or dialect, especially… Read More »Lingua Franca


Lexicography refers to the occupation that relates to the academic discipline of compiling dictionaries. Actually, it can be divided into two distinct but equal important academic disciplines: The first one is practical lexicography which refers to the art of compiling, editing, and creating dictionaries The… Read More »Lexicography

Language Lab

A language lab is a learning space dedicated specifically to foreign language learning. Language labs allow a teacher to listen to and manage the audio of students with the help of headsets or in sound booths. Language lab typically consists of a teacher console that… Read More »Language Lab

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