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OSSTET Result OSSTET result is one of the most searched terms on the internet recently. The OSSTET 2021 exam was conducted on 1st September 2021. The OSSTET results are still awaited. The Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha conducts an eligibility examination for Senior Secondary… Read More »OSSTET Result

Observational Learning

Observational learning is a process in which a person observes and models another person’s behavior, emotional expressions, and attitudes. It is a method in which an individual observes the activities of another individual and learns from them. We can take an example: if a student… Read More »Observational Learning

OBE Full Form

The OBE Full Form is Outcome-Based Education. As the OBE Full form suggests It is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment is planned to achieve excellent outcomes. The main focus of obe is to measure students’ performance at different… Read More »OBE Full Form

Online Quiz

An online quiz is an excellent way to evaluate a student’s knowledge. It is very effective in the online learning process, as teachers can understand how much a student has understood the concept. With the help of online quizzes, teachers can know the knowledge gap… Read More »Online Quiz

Outcome Based Learning

Outcome based learning  The main focus of outcome based learning is to focus on school programs. It is an educational theory. It is a very flexible and unique approach to learning. The purpose of outcome based learning is to increase the knowledge of students, help… Read More »Outcome Based Learning

Online Teacher Vacancy

Online Teacher Vacancy Online Teacher Vacancy is one of the most searched questions on the internet. Now, since the traditional classes have totally shifted online, the demand for online teachers has multiplied. The most amazing benefit of online teaching is that a teacher need not… Read More »Online Teacher Vacancy

OER Full Form

OER Full Form OER Full Form is Online Educational Resources. OER refers to free resources available on the internet, which can be used for educational and research purposes. These are digital resources that usually include books, course readings, and other educational content such as quizzes,… Read More »OER Full Form

Open Book Exam

For years, we have been familiar with the pen-paper format of the examination, where students get a question booklet, consisting of the question problems that need to be answered or solved by writing. To modernize the exam mode, and improve students’ critical thinking and knowledge,… Read More »Open Book Exam


OBE The full form of OBE is Outcome-Based Education. It is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment is planned to achieve excellent outcomes. The main focus of obe is to measure student’s performance at different levels. Obe is very… Read More »OBE

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