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Research Methodology

Research Methodology  In research methodology specific techniques and methods are used to find out, select, then process, and finally analyze information about a topic. It is very beneficial for people as they can evaluate the validity of a study and figure out how reliable it… Read More »Research Methodology

RTE Full Form

RTE full form is one of the most asked questions on the internet. RTE full form is the Right to Education. Right to Education is also known as the RTE Act, 2009. The parliament of India enacted this act on August 4, 2009. It describes… Read More »RTE Full Form

Resume Meaning

Resume Meaning A lot of people search for resume meaning and it is one of the most asked questions on the internet. A resume is a formal, tailored document that presents a person’s academic details, career achievements, and life skills in a comprehensive manner. The main… Read More »Resume Meaning

Rote Memory

Rote Memory Rote memory is the process of learning things by repeating them, you memorize by repeating. This helps students to recall what they have learned and helps them to remember basic knowledge about the concept. To make it more clear what rote memory is,… Read More »Rote Memory

Recitation Definition

Recitation Definition  The recitation definition is repeating something you have memorized earlier. It is mostly for formal purposes. Students recite in front of the whole class. They first learn and then speak in front of teachers and other students. They demonstrate their knowledge about the… Read More »Recitation Definition


RWL RWL stands for Real-world learning which is an approach to learning that involves schools working with community partners and industry experts to engage students in authentic, relevant problems, projects, and experiences that develop career awareness and readiness. As the phrase suggests, students learn about the real… Read More »RWL

Real World Learning

Real world learning  Real world learning is an approach to learning that involves schools working with community partners and industry experts to engage students in authentic, relevant problems, projects, and experiences that develop career awareness and readiness. As the phrase suggests, students learn about the real world.… Read More »Real World Learning

Reet Exam Date

Reet exams are conducted every year to recruit teachers in the school. This recruitment of teachers is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education Rajasthan. The full form of Reet is the Recruitment Eligibility Examination for Teachers. This is a written test because it is… Read More »Reet Exam Date


Result In simple words, it means something that happens or exists because of something that happened before. There are various meanings of the word result like the final number of points, votes, etc at the end of a game, competition, or election. Understand and digitize… Read More »Result