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REET Syllabus

REET Syllabus Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the performance management for efficient school management. Subject-wise REET Syllabus REET Syllabus For Level-I  Section I – Child Development & Pedagogy Growth & Development – Concept, Principles, and Dimensions Factors affecting child… Read More »REET Syllabus


REET Full Form is one of the most searched questions on the internet, a lot of people search for the REET exam Full Form. REET Full Form is Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher, also known as Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), is a state-level competitive… Read More »REET Exam

REET Full Form

REET Full Form is the most frequently asked question on google. The REET Full Form is as popular as the REET exam itself, REET Full Form is an often asked question in the question paper of many exams. Let’s know more about the REET Full… Read More »REET Full Form

Role of Teacher

When we talk about the role of teacher, what are the major roles that should be taken into consideration? The role of teacher is not easy to describe and certainly not easy to carry out. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the role… Read More »Role of Teacher

Remedial Classes

Just how five fingers of the same hand are not the same, similarly, not every child sitting in the class is the same. It’s easy for some students to grasp things easily in one go, while some students might have to read the same thing… Read More »Remedial Classes

Remedial Teaching

It goes without saying that every student learns at a different pace and they have different learning styles. Some students might require extra attention and care from the teachers. Every student aspires to learn at the same pace as everyone else in the classroom, but… Read More »Remedial Teaching


Reading refers to the process of comprehending a series of symbols that are in a written format. One can draw the intended meaning from them. In the academic context, it is a fundamental process through which students absorb knowledge, with their eyes and their understanding.… Read More »Reading


Research refers to a detailed analysis of a particular phenomenon of interest using a different technique, such as reading about the topic or using any scientific method. It can be about studies, psychology, medicine, science, etc.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its… Read More »Research

Report Card

A report card refers to the final document that contains an assessment of the student’s academic performance and behaviors. A report card, also called a progress report, is periodically sent to parents or guardians. It contains comments on how the students can improve and as mentioned,… Read More »Report Card