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Remote Testing

Remote testing is a versatile software tool used for conducting a secured test or an assessment using online software with an audio and video facility for students while ensuring the test’s integrity. To ensure the right student is taking the test, the teacher needs to… Read More »Remote Testing

Remote Teaching

Remote teaching is an online teaching method that includes teaching via technology such as a classroom management app, video conferencing software, other educational videos, etc. Remote teaching is similar to the online teaching method but has a slight difference. The online teaching method is a… Read More »Remote Teaching

Remote Proctoring

Remote proctoring refers to remotely supervising the exam with live video streaming and online monitoring software to ensure integrity and authenticity. Remote proctoring needs high-speed internet connectivity and the latest technology to enable smooth functioning.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features… Read More »Remote Proctoring

Roles Of Teacher

The different roles of a teacher are considered vital in the life of a student. Learners can be of any age group or any background, but it is the job of a teacher to guide them. They have various roles to play in the school… Read More »Roles Of Teacher

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Revised Bloom’s taxonomy is a taxonomy that emphasizes the student’s learning outcomes with the help of refined terms. It examines cognitive skills and learning behavior. The revised approach of Bloom’s taxonomy is subjected to changes in terminology and structure. Here, different skills and objectives are… Read More »Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice is one of the most powerful learning strategies. It is an act where one tries to recall the information without having a particular piece of information in front. Retrieval practice is really beneficial for long-term learning. It is a powerful strategy that helps… Read More »Retrieval Practice


A resume is a formal, tailored document that presents a person’s academic details, career achievements, and life skills in a comprehensive manner. The main aim of writing a resume is to introduce yourself to prospective employers, and it should represent you as the best candidate… Read More »Resume


Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher (REET), also known as Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET), is a state-level competitive exam which is conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER) to certify candidates for employment as teachers in the state. If you are looking to… Read More »REET

Remote Learning

Remote learning can be described as the process of remote teaching and learning through the use of technology, such as video conferencing, virtual assessments and discussion boards. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the performance management for efficient school management.… Read More »Remote Learning

Relative Grading

Relative grading refers to the process of allowing the teacher to interpret the results of an evaluation and deciding and assigning grades based on student performance as compared to the others in the class. Basically, the evaluation has a basis or standardization which is the… Read More »Relative Grading