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A semaphore is the use of a particular apparatus for the creation of a visual signal transmitted over distance. It is usually can be performed with flags, but it can also be done with: Fire Lights Sunlight Moving arms Understand and digitize school operations with… Read More »Semaphore

School Drama

A school drama can be defined as any drama that involves students studying at school. It can be for school annual day, interschool festivals, or for inter-house competitions within the school. It is simply a drama that has school students enacting the roles of the… Read More »School Drama


Subvocalization is the process of saying words in your head as if you are reading them. The majority of people read by subvocalizing, but some people have learned to do it without thinking about it. However, a person who has never done this before can’t… Read More »Subvocalization

Sight Words

Sight words, also known as high-frequency sight words, are commonly used words that young children should memorize as a whole by sight as a means of automatically recognizing the words in print without requiring any strategies to decode them. They started being used widely after… Read More »Sight Words


Syllabification or syllabication is the separation of a word into syllables whether written, spoken, or signed. It is also known as hyphenation. The separation into syllables in the written form is generally marked by a hyphen when using English orthography and with a period when… Read More »Syllabification

Standard English

In an English-speaking society, Standard English is the variety of English that has undergone regularization and is associated with Language assessment Official print publications Formal schooling Public service announcements Newspapers of record Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework… Read More »Standard English

Scholasticism Meaning

Scholasticism Meaning Scholastic Meaning refers to the system of theology and philosophy taught in medieval European universities, based on Aristotelian logic. Scholasticism meaning in simple words refers to a way of thinking and teaching knowledge. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features… Read More »Scholasticism Meaning


In simple terms, semiotics refers to the study of signs and symbols and their interpretations. A sign is hence defined as any gesture, written text, piece of code, etc. that communicates something to the interpreter of that sign. The meaning can be intentional like a… Read More »Semiotics

Slow Learners

Slow learners are children of below-average intelligence whose scholastic performance and thinking skills have developed significantly less than the pace of their age. They can be generalized as learners whose learning pace is much lower than their peers. However, they are neither rare nor unique.… Read More »Slow Learners

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