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Study Hall

Study hall, also known as a private study, SAS, or structured study, is a term used to refer to a place where students are supposed to sit and study when they are not scheduled for an academic class. They are most commonly found in some… Read More »Study Hall

Self Discipline

Self discipline is crucial for all the students, they should know how to keep themselves focused on assignments and not get distracted during lectures. Teachers and parents always teach students that they should have it to become successful. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint… Read More »Self Discipline

SST Full Form

SST Full Form SST Full form is Social Studies, and it is used in the context of Indian education. Social Studies contains several feels of social sciences and the humanities which include history, geography, and political science. Social Studies helps integrate several disciplines into the… Read More »SST Full Form

Skill Trainer

A skill trainer, also known as a skills trainer, is a person who is responsible for teaching people new skills in a particular subject generally to help them become more employable. A skill trainer might be an employee of a company or a freelancer who… Read More »Skill Trainer

Sportsman Spirit

Sportsmanship, also known as sportsman spirit, is an ethos within sports in which proper consideration for respect, ethics, fairness, and fellowship for one’s competitors is upheld.  Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the homework app for efficient school management. Sportsman… Read More »Sportsman Spirit

Study Table

A study table is one that is designed and built keeping students in mind. Since it is built with the purpose of studying kept in mind, it is used to store books and access them easily, organize study materials efficiently, and make the entire learning… Read More »Study Table

Study Room

A study room, sometimes simply known as a study, is a room in a house used for reading, computer work, or paperwork. Historically, it has been used as the reading room or private office of a family father since he was considered the “formal head”… Read More »Study Room

Software Engineering

What is software engineering? It is an engineering approach that focuses on the development of software for systematics applications. A software engineer, hence, is a person who applies the principles of software engineering for the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of computer programs. The… Read More »Software Engineering

Self Concept

Self concept is a crucial theory in psychology that focuses on your self image. It means the image of yourself that you create in your mind. This image is developed in several different ways. For example, the way different people treat you and how you… Read More »Self Concept


Sensitization is a learning process that is considered non-associative. This phenomenon is where repeatedly applying a stimulus results in the amplification of a response. It is often characterized by the enhancement of response to a different class of stimuli in addition to the one that… Read More »Sensitization

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