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HRDG & CSIR NET – An Overview

What is CSIR-HRDG?

CSIR or Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India, is a premium national-level research and development organization. It is also one of the world’s biggest publicly funded R&D organizations. 

CSIR has contributed significantly to science and technology (S&T) human resource development and has been acclaimed nationally. 

The HRDG (Human Resource Development Group) is a division of CSIR that enforces this objective through different methods such as grants, fellowship schemes, and conducting the CSIR NET examination for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs). 

Earlier, CSIR was responsible for conducting the CSIR NET examination. Since 2019, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has taken over its conductance. 

This exam evaluates the eligibility of Indian candidates for JRFs and lecturerships (LS)/assistant professorships in different subjects that fall under the faculty of Science and Technology. 

What is the role of HRDG?

Over the years, HRDG has contributed to developing a skilled S&T workforce nationally in the age group of 16 to 65. This division is responsible for finding new methods to boost human resources development in the basic sciences. 

HRDG also funds several research projects nationally to promote guides and coordinate industrial and scientific research. The different activities of the HRD group include several awards, grants, and selection of JRFs, Senior Research Fellows (SRFs), SRF Extended and Research Associates (RAs), Senior Research Associates (SRAs), and candidates for the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Fellowship (SPMF). 

The selection for these positions is held at a national level, and the enlisted candidates are considered the cream of the crop. 

Let’s discuss the examinations held for these positions in detail. 

CSIR NET Examination

The CSIR NET exam is one of the most prestigious national exams in India. It is conducted twice a year to determine students’ eligibility for the award of JRF and the appointment of lecturers in universities across the country. 

Eligibility Criteria

The NTA invites online applications from candidates all over India who pass the eligibility criteria. To apply for the examination, the candidate should have one of the following degrees:

  • MSc
  • Integrated BS-MS
  • BS-4 Years
  • BE/BTech
  • B-Pharma
  • MBBS Or an Equivalent Degree.

A minimum of 55% marks is required for candidates from the general and OBC categories. For ST/SC and PWD candidates, a minimum of 50% marks is required. 

The maximum age of candidates who can apply for a JRF is 28 years. The age limit is relaxed by five years for candidates from SC/ST category. The same rule applies to female applicants and those with disabilities. 

For OBC applicants from the non-creamy layer, the age limit is relaxed by three years. There is no age bar for lecturership posts filled through CSIR NET. 

CSIR NET Examination Pattern

This examination is held for five subjects, which are essentially physics, chemistry, mathematics, life sciences, and Earth sciences. You can select a subject based on your expertise and personal preference.

The CSIR NET is a computer-based examination and is based on the MCQ format. The test paper carries a maximum of 200 marks. It is held over three hours, and every subject is divided into three parts:

  • Part A, which is common to all subjects. This section tests your general aptitude and has a maximum of 20 questions. This section is of 30 marks in total. 
  • Part C, with questions that test applicants’ understanding of scientific concepts and the application of those concepts. The applicant is required to apply their scientific knowledge to derive the answers to the questions. This section is allocated a total of 100 marks. 

CSIR NET Syllabus 

Here is a detailed syllabus for the different subjects you need to prepare for to qualify for the examination:

  • General Aptitude: Logical Reasoning, Graphical Analysis, Analytical and Numerical Ability, Quantitative Comparisons, Series Formation. Puzzles, Mensuration, Series Completion, Time and Distance, Series Formation & Coding-Decoding, Data Interpretation 
  • Life Sciences: Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology, Cellular Organization, Fundamental Processes, Cell Communication and Cell Signaling, Developmental Biology, System Physiology – Plant, System Physiology – Animal, Inheritance, Biology, Diversity of Life Forms, Ecological Principles, Evolution and Behavior, Applied Biology, Methods in Biology
  • Earth Sciences: Geology, Physical Geography, Geophysics, Meteorology, Ocean Sciences, Managing energy, mineral resources, and water, Mineralogy and Petrology, Structural Geology and Geotectonic, Paleontology and its applications, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Marine Geology and Paleoceanography, Geochemistry, Economic Geology, etc.
  • Mathematical Sciences: Real Analysis, Ordinary and Partial differential equation, Modern Algebra, Complex Analysis
  • Chemical Sciences: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Interdisciplinary topics, Properties of individual atoms, Atoms forming chemical bonds to create chemical compounds 
  • Physical Sciences: Mathematical Physics, Quantum Physics, Electromagnetic Theory, Classical Mechanics, Electronics, etc.

To learn more details about the syllabus of every subject, visit the official website here

The HRDG is also involved in the selection for the following positions:

  • SRF & RA: Any Indian citizen can send in their application for these positions. The selection process requires an interview conducted by an Expert Selection Committee. 
  • SRA: This position provides a temporary placement to skilled professionals, including  engineers, medical personnel, technologists and Indian scientists returning from foreign countries. 
  • SPMF: Scholars from the CSIR-NET exam are eligible for qualifying for this prestigious fellowship. This scholarship intends to nurture the growth of young scientific talent and help them in their scientific research. 

The toppers of the CSIR NET undergo an interview round. The qualifying candidates get a stipend of INR 36000 per month during the first two years of their fellowship. Later, it would be increased to INR 42000 per month based on their performance. 

Final Take

The HRDG is a division of CSIR that is tasked with providing the right opportunities to the young talent of India. Qualifying the prestigious CSIR-NET is a challenging task. But you can do it with diligence, hard work, and adopting smart learning hacks with the help of lms solution.

If you plan to further your career in this field, it is important to have a strong command of your chosen subject. You can have a hold on the subject by going through every topic carefully and work on improving your weak areas. A study planner can help you use your maximum potential when preparing for an exam. To learn various tips and tricks that can help you quality UGC NET, click here.