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How To Prepare Notes For CTET

Central Teaching Eligibility Test (CTET) is the most prevalent route into the prestigious profession of teaching. CTET is organized by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and is separated into two parts: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Candidates who pass both papers will be hired as full-time teachers by the Indian government. Because the exam admits applicants to the prestigious position of teacher, it tries to put them to the test on a variety of themes. As a result, it is critical to properly prepare the CTET notes to pass the exam with enticing results.

Tips to Prepare CTET notes

Here are some tips on how to prepare CTET notes for the candidates who are willing to attend CTET:

1. Understand the CTET Pattern 2022: 

  • CTET will consist of 150 questions with a total of 150 marks and a time limit of 150 minutes.
  • It will be held in an online format.
  • The question paper will contain objective type questions and will be divided into five sections, each with 30 questions.
  • In the CTET exam, there will be no negative marking.

Note: This course is designed for math and science teachers (Science Background students). Teachers of Social Science will benefit from this course (Arts Background students).

2. Study the CTET Syllabus: 

  • Attempt to cover the entire CTET syllabus during your CTET notes preparation.
  • Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-1, Language-2, Environmental Studies, and Mathematics are included in CTET Paper-I.
  • Child Development & Pedagogy, Language-1, Language-2, Social Studies, or Mathematics & Science are among the topics included in CTET Paper-II.
  • There will be a bilingual (Hindi/English) question paper.
  • The CTET notification lists 20 language options; candidates can select just two languages from the list of 20.
  • Because the curriculum covers a wide range of courses, you must create a detailed study plan to ensure that you are fully prepared for each topic.

3. Concentrate on your weak study areas during preparing CTET notes:

  • Identify your areas of weakness and where you can improve.
  • Before you start practicing, read and learn all of the fundamental ideas.
  • In your strong areas, you don’t need to focus on the essential principles; instead, practice more and more questions from those themes.
  • Examine past year’s CTET question papers to determine your weak spots.

4. Read the following books to prepare CTET notes:

  • For each subject on the CTET Exam curriculum, prepare at least one Important textbook.
  • NCERT Books can be used to practice from 3rd to 8th grade.
  • For CTET 2022 preparation, you can use any of the books from Arihant, Disha, or Upkar Publications.

5. Study the fundamental topic and take practice quizzes:

  • Concentrate on the fundamental concepts of each issue at first, especially in child development and pedagogy.
  • Attempt to complete the quizzes for each subject regularly to enhance accuracy and test performance.

6. Make it a habit to take brief CTET notes

  • As soon as you begin your preparation, attempt to take brief notes on the various themes.
  • These quick notes will aid you in revising the complete course just before the exam.
  • In your short notes, highlight the key elements that will be useful during the revision phase.

7. Review all concepts and theories before the exam:

  • After you’ve finished the entire syllabus, try to review all of the relevant topics once a week.
  • During the revision, try to remember the concept, important theories, and formulas.
  •  Don’t merely memorize the answer; strive to understand the question’s core premise.

8. Make it a habit to take CTET mock tests regularly: 

  • Taking CTET mock tests regularly for scoring well on the real exam.
  • You can look at your section-by-section score and see how you can increase your preparation rate.
  • Using the mock test as a guide, you can effectively and efficiently organize your time.

9. CTET exam qualifying marks:

  • Try to answer all 150 questions because the CTET exam does not have any negative marking.
  • To be eligible for the CTET exam, you must score 90 out of 150 in the general category.
  • There is no sectional cut-off, so no subject is off-limits.

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