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Dictation Meaning

Dictation Meaning

Dictation meaning in simple words is a process where the teacher dictates or speaks a word and the students write it down on their notebooks. The activity of dictation is a very old activity and teachers have been practicing this activity for years now. Dictation helps the teachers in making sure that the students learn the spelling of the concepts well. The students often make mistakes in their dictation tests, but through this mistake, they remember writing the right spelling in the exam. Understand and digitize school operations with Teachmint and its features like the fee management system for efficient school management. This activity may seem childish to students but it is one the most important activities for being good with the spellings. Students often look for preparation tips to prepare for the dictation test, however, there are no fixed preparation tips that would help the students. The students can only revise their lessons well in order to prepare for the same. The activity usually takes place in the classroom(online or offline) and the teacher dictates various words and students simultaneously write them on a paper. The dictation activity happens in both the languages, English as well as Hindi. The students crash course should take this activity seriously to make their basics strong. Explore the wide range of ICSE,  CBSE English, or other boards’ study preparation tips materials, assignments, tests, book PDFs, and more, uploaded by star educators to get better insights. Upgrade yourself today, click here to know more.

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