Dr. Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, developed a set of learning goals known as the domains of learning in 1956. They entail three separate types of education, and each one needs a different teaching method to produce the desired results. All domains of learning offer unique characteristics and goals intended to keep students interested while they develop their problem-solving, information-processing, and skill-building abilities from various viewpoints. This facilitates learning and makes it more fun.
The cognitive domain
According to the order in which students acquire them, educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom ordered the six intellectual talents that make up the cognitive domain – Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. This concept is called Bloom’s Taxonomy. Bloom uses active verbs to explain how students use their knowledge for each ability.
The affective domain
The abilities that support appropriate emotional reactions are part of the affective learning domain. Students comprehend and develop their sentiments, attitudes, and values in this domain, according to Bloom’s colleague David Krathwohl. The five domains of the emotional reaction include – receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing.
The psychomotor domain
In the 1970s, educators like Elizabeth Simpson broadened the psychomotor skills category that Bloom had defined into a simple-to-complex order. The psychomotor domain focuses on the application of motor skills and the development of physical abilities including hand-eye coordination. People can complete physical tasks in daily life and at work with the aid of psychomotor skills. The areas of this domain include perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, Adaptation, and origination.
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