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Interdisciplinary Teaching

Interdisciplinary teaching refers to integrating and using different types of teaching methods and analytical frameworks to examine a theme, topic, issue, or question. It is all about bringing different disciplines together on common themes or problems. 

Interdisciplinary teaching is different from multi or cross-disciplinary education because it requires analysis and integration of different viewpoints and not a simple consideration of various perspectives. Interdisciplinary teaching develops a comprehensive understanding of various disciplinary concepts in a better way. 

It allows the subject groups to share content, skills, and processes by managing time efficiently. The ideas are collated and integrated into a complete and more effective framework of analysis. 

When the experts have to deal with multi-faceted issues like teenage pregnancy or new drug development, interdisciplinary teaching methods, in such cases, would involve understanding the complications and then coming up with a reliable policy response for the same.

There are different types and levels through which the said method of teaching is conducted. Most of the schools follow a multidisciplinary team approach, in which a group of students is assigned to the teacher of a specific content area. They are encouraged to correlate their learnings and provide insights as per the questions asked.

However, cross-curricular interdisciplinary teaching can be applied in several fields, for example, in the case of travel and vacation. In this case,  students can learn about the geography of popular travel destinations along with the history of those places, and later do analytical work. 

Analysis in this field may include travel promotion and advertising. Another similar example is food. As a useful theme, food can be explained through interdisciplinary teaching, where sociologists can explore how the people of different cultures decide what to eat, how to prepare or cultivate it.

It is always essential to pick interesting topics in the curriculum. This helps in better cooperation and outcomes of the proposed research work.

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