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Feedback For Teacher

Feedback for Teacher

A teacher could only give their best when they receive honest feedback from their students, seniors, etc. Feedback for teacher plays a really important role in their growth and learning. Exams and assessment tests have traditionally been an important part of the educational curriculum for testing and reinforcing students’ understanding. There has been a lot of discussion concerning various methods for assessing students effectively. However, it is also critical for educational institutions to assess teachers’ teaching abilities and have feedback for teaches. It is all the more vital to do so now when most schools have transitioned to online teaching because many instructors are new to and unfamiliar with online teaching, which necessitates a slightly different set of teaching skills than those required in a traditional classroom. Here are some qualities that a teacher should hold or develop after receiving honest and healthy feedback-

  1. Make students feel comfortable- Whether it is a comfortable sitting arrangement in the classroom or making sure that no student is bullied, a good teacher never misses anything. Providing the students a good mental, physical and emotional environment is very crucial to help their minds bloom. A good teacher always walks the extra mile to assure the comfort of their students.
  2. Adapt new teaching methods- The world and especially the educational system is rapidly changing and evolving each day. Education is no more limited to a four-wall classroom setup, neither is childrens’ minds. To make sure that students learn the concepts well, a good teacher should keep experimenting with the teaching strategies. Making use of animated movies or live experiments are a few examples of making the class interactive.

Teachmint can help teachers track student performance with its advanced pms tool. With this new addition, teachers can help students learn better. Moreover, our lms portal gives a new dimension to the teaching-learning process.