The first University in the world is considered to be the Taxila or Takshashila University, which used to be situated in modern-day Pakistan. It is known to have flourished from 600 BCE to 500 CE in the kingdom of Gandhar. The minimum age of entry was 16, and at one stage, had 10,500 students from all over the globe, including Greece, Syria, Babylon, and China. Experienced teachers and practitioners taught the Vedas, grammar, philosophy, languages, medicine, archery, politics, surgery, warfare, astronomy, commerce, accounts, documentation, music, dance, and other performative arts, the occult and mystical sciences, complex mathematical calculations, and futurology. The panel of teachers at the university had legendary scholars like Panini, Jivak, Vishnu Sharma, and Kautilya. Hence, the concept of a full-fledged university was developed in India.
The first university in the world that is still in operation today is the University of Bologna. It was founded as early as 1088 by an organized guild of students and is also the first university in the western world that was created for higher-learning and degree-awarding institutes, as the word universitas was coined at its foundation.
The University of Bologna is generally ranked in the first place in European, national, and international rankings as a whole as well as for individual subjects. Ever since its foundation, it has attracted several scholars, intellectuals, and students from all over Italy and the world, establishing itself as one of the most important international centers of learning in the Western hemisphere.
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