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Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom is altogether a different and unique concept. This type of classroom provides students with learning content at home. The students can learn them online, at home, or wherever they are. The practice of that knowledge is then done at school with teachers. 

That is why this concept is known as the flipped classroom. The students get mixed learning, i.e. online and traditional, face to face. In these classrooms, the teachers record the lectures and send them to the students. Then, the students have to watch them according to the time table. After studying the topic, the students go to school with doubts related to that particular topic. The students need to do the work at school in front of the teachers. 

Example: In this kind of classroom set-up, teachers use various online platforms to teach the students. The flipped classroom has multiple advantages. It motivates the students, promotes change, and improves the quality of interaction.

Every concept has some pros and cons and also some risks associated with it. The risk in a flipped classroom is that many students do not have accessibility to the internet or learning technology. As the concept of the said type of classroom is new, so many students do not have the habit of online learning. 

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